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作者:佚  名    文章来源:本站整理    点击数:    更新时间:2007-11-14    
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第一部分 选择题(共30分)


. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%)

1.The process of meaning relation is also called ________ (  )

A. extension                       B. degradation                     C. specialization                  D. elevation

2.Idioms in the coursebook are used in a  ________ (  )

A. broad sense                    B. narrow sense                  C. figurative sense               D. special sense

3.The relationship between the linguistic sign and a referent is ________(  )

A. conventional                   B. non-conventional             C. concrete                         D. specific

4.The way to define an antonym is based on ________ (  )

A. contradiction                  B. contrariness                    C. oppositeness                   D. relativeness

5.The fact that the whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields can be exemplified by ________ ( )

A. Roget’s Thesaurus                                                   B. Concise Oxford Dictionary

C. New Webster’s Dictionary                                        D. Co-build Dictionary

6.Context ________ meaning.( )

A. explains                         B. interprets                        C. defines                           D. all the above

7.Though still at work today , ________ can hardly compare with what it was in the past. ( )

A. word-formation              B. borrowing                      C. derivation                       D. conversion

8.Structural stability means the structure of an idiom is generally ________. ( )

A. movable                         B. unstable                          C. unchangeable                  D. ununderstandable

9.Sentence idioms can be divided into ________.( )

A. declarative and imperative                                         B. interrogative and exclamative

C. verbal and adverbial                                                 D. both A and B

10. ________ is considered to be a highly-inflected language. ( )

A. Old English                    B. Middle English               C. Early Modern English     D. Late Modern English

11.A morpheme that can stand alone as a word is thought to be ________. ( )

A. affixational                    B. derivational                    C. free                               D. bound

12.The introduction of ________ at the end of the 6th century had a great impact on the English vocabulary.( )

A. printing                          B. Christianity                     C. French words                 D. all the above

13.Which of the following statements is true?( )

A. Every word has reference.                                        B. Every word has sense.

C. Every word is semantically motivated.                        D. Every word is conceptually motivated.

14.Which of the following statements is CORRECT?( )

A. The English language is noted for its modest borrowings.

B. Loan words only refer to those borrowings in form.   

C.  Loan words are all unrecognisable as being foreign in origin.

D.  Loan words can be grouped according to manner of borrowing.

15.The relationship between words and things in the world is established by means of ________.( )

A. reference                      B. sense                             C. concept                         D. meaning


第二部分 非选择题(共70分)


.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)

16.The degraded meaning “sexual desire ”of the word “lust ”comes from its old meaning “________”.

17.Bound morphemes include two types: bound root and ________.

18.The headword or entries are defined in the same language in a ________ dictionary.

19.The basic word stock forms the common ________ of the language.

20. Conceptual meaning is also known as ________ meaning.


.Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) sense relations , 2) types of context , and 3) modes of word-meaning changes.(10%)

A                                              B

(  ) 21.difference in connotation                                A. fond (from “foolish” to “affectionate”)

(  ) 22.perfect homonym                                          B. homely /domestic

(  ) 23.degradation                                                  C. date ;date

(  ) 24.transfer                                                        D. diseasing (from “discomfort ”to “illness”)

(  ) 25.elevation                                                       E. fabulous (from “resembling a fable ”to “incredible”)

(  ) 26.narrowing                                                     F. journal (from “daily paper” to “periodical” )

(  )27.extension                                                       G. silly (from “happy” to “foolish”)

(  ) 28.generalization                                               H. pitiful (from “full of pity” to “deserving pity”)

(  ) 29.grammatical context                                      I. It was a nice ball.

(  ) 30.lexical context                                               J. Visiting aunts can be boring.


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