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作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-10-10    
        ★★★ 【字体:


11. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the formula “word – concept – referent”?

A. A concept is the base of the meaning of a word.

B. A concept is an abstraction from the referents.

C. The formula shows that the word refers to the referent through a concept.

D. There is a direct relationship between a word and its referent.

12. ____________ means using a form that represents one part of speech as another part of speech without changing the form of the word.

A. Blending

B. Conversion

C. Shortening

D. Affixation

13. The semantic feature used to distinguish between “bachelor” and “spinster” is ____________.

A. [Human]

B. [Adult]

C. [Common]

D. [Male]

14. ____________ is characterized by full inflections.

A. Old English

B. Middle English

C. Early Modern English

D. Modern English

15. The word “gold-collar” is created by imitating the word “blue-collar”. This kind of analogy is based on ____________.

A. number

B. color

C. oppositeness in meaning

D. space

16. In terms of register, most English idioms belong to ____________.

A. colloquial English

B. common core of the English language

C. formal English

D. slang

17. In the sentence “this is the face that has changed the future of the world”,  a(n) ______ is used.

A. metaphor 

B. metonymy

C. synecdoche

D. analogy

18. In the following poem “All the world’s a stage, / And all the men and women mere players, /They have their exits and entrances”, what figure of speech is used?

A. simile

B. hyperbole

C. metaphor

C. personification

19. Which of the following is an example of grammatical collocation?

A. lift an embargo 

B. commit suicide 

C. avoid doing

D. sound asleep

20. Some puns are based on ______.

A. synonymy   

B. hyponymy   

C. homonymy  

D. antonymy


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