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作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-10-10    
        ★★★ 【字体:


II. Judge whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (20 points)

21. According to modern lexicology, the minimal meaningful unit of a language is a word.

22. The same phrase can be both a free phrase and an idiom, depending on its meaning.

23. The word “teacher” is a transparent word.

24. The development of American English was plain sailing. In other words, the attitudes of both British and Americans towards American English were positive.

25. An idiom composed of “noun + and + noun” is always nominal in nature.

26. Written English is always formal, while oral English is always informal.

27. When you want to express your sympathy towards somebody whose grandfather has just died, it’s proper for you to say “I am very sorry that your grandpa has kicked the bucket.”

28. In the word “snatch”, the sound sequence “sn” can be associated with “quick movement”. This is an example of “primary onomatopoeia”.

29. “V.O.A.” is an acronym because it is formed from the initial letters of words and pronounced as letters.

30. In English, the word “edit” is created by the deletion of the supposed suffix “or” in the word “editor”. This process is called affixation.

31. In the sentence “it is possible that the local court will find for him”, the phrase “find for” is an idiom.

32. In terms of spelling, “honour” is American English, and “honor” is British English.

33. In English, absolute antonyms are more numerous.

34. The central meaning of a word is always its primary meaning.

35. The use of “the Kremlin” for Russian government is called metonymy.

36. The word “sanctuary” originally meant “sacred place”, and later it is used to refer to “any place where refuge is provided”. This process of semantic change is called specialization.

37. In terms of diction, the sentence “penalties for overdue books will be strictly enforced” is written English.

38. One of the differences between American English and British English lies in the form of subjunctive mood. For example, the sentence “I move that Mr. Smith be appointed Secretary” is British English, while “I move that Mr. Smith should be appointed Secretary” is American English.

39. In the group of words of “black, red, yellow and color”, “color” is the superordinate, and “black, red, yellow” are the subordinates, or hyponyms.

40. Modern English lexicology belongs to general lexicology.


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