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作者:TJK    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-4    
      ★★★★★ 【字体:




1. Could [May, Might] I trouble you to…?

表示客气地请人做某事,意为:麻烦你……好吗?劳驾你……? 请你做……好吗? 如:

Could I trouble you to close the door? 麻烦你把门关上好吗?

Might I trouble to give me a lift to the station? 劳驾你顺便让我坐你的车去车站好吗?

May I trouble to take a message? 麻烦你带个口信好吗?

May I trouble to shut the window? 麻烦你关上窗子好吗?

2. Don’t trouble…


Don’t trouble about that. 别为此事操心(担心)

Don’t trouble to meet me at the station. 不用麻烦到车站来接我了。

Don’t trouble to come out, please. 请留步,别出来啦。

Please don’t trouble to come with me—I can goby myself. 请您别送了,我自己可以去。

ADo you want me to post it for you? 要我给你寄出去吗?

BNo, don’t trouble (about it)thank you. 不必费心了,谢谢。

AShall I make coffee for you? 要不要给你煮咖啡?

BOhdon’t trouble, thank you. 不心费心,谢谢你。

3. I’m sorry to trouble you, but…

用于客气地提出请求,意为:请你……好吗? 请问……? 如:

I’m sorry to trouble you, but do you think you could call me back later? 真抱歉麻烦你,请你稍后给我回电话好吗?

I’m sorry to trouble you, but can you tell me the time? 对不起,打扰一下,请问现在几点了?

Sorry to trouble you, but could you tell the way to the station, please? 对不起,打扰你一下,请问你去车站怎么走?

4. May I trouble you for…?

用于客气地请对方做某事,意为:麻烦你……好吗? 如:

May I trouble you for the salt? 麻烦你把盐送给我好吗?

May I trouble you for the dictionary? 请把词典递给我好吗?

May I trouble you for the soy sauce? 麻烦你给我拿酱油好吗?


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