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作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-26    
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yard n. 1.[C]码:The garden is ten yards wide. 这个花园10宽。 2.[C]院子:There are two apple trees in our front yard. 我们家前院有两棵苹果树。


yeah adv.是的,嗯

year n. 1.[C]年:He lived there for five years. 他在那儿住过五年。/ We had lots of snow last year. 去年下了很多雪。/ We worked hard all year. 我们整年都努力工作。2.[C]岁:He is 16 years old. 16岁。3.[C]年度,学年:The school year runs from September to July.学年由九月开始,到十一月结束。

【短语】1. all (the) year round 全年,整年:We used to work six days a week all (the) year round. 我们过去全年都是每周工作6天。2. year after year 年年:It's always the same, year after year. 年年总是如此。3. year by year 一年一年地:Year by year their business grew. 他们的生意一年一年地发展了起来。

yellow adj.黄色的:Do you like yellow flowers? 你喜欢黄花吗? / The Yellow River is China's second longest river. 黄河是中国第二大河。

yen n.[C]圆,日元

yes adv. (用于肯定的答复)是:Yes, it is a dog. 是的,那是一条狗。/ Yes, I like it. 是的,我喜欢它。2.(用以回答呼唤)来了,有:"Waiter!" "Yes, sir." “服务员。”“来了,先生。”/ "Jim." "Yes?" “吉姆。”“什么事?”

yesterday n.昨天:Yesterday was my birthday. 昨天是我的生日。/ He came to me yesterday evening. 他昨晚来看过我。 adv. 昨天:She came here yesterday. 她昨天来这儿了。/ It was raining yesterday. 昨天在下雨。

yet adv.还,尚,仍:He has not come yet. 他还没有来。/ Have you finished yet? 你做完没有? / She is yet a child. 她还是个孩子。/ He was poor, yet happy. 他很穷,可是很快乐。/ He hasn't yet got married. 他还没有结婚。

yip v.(小狗等)汪汪叫

yippee interj.(表欢喜或兴奋等)欢呼声

you pron. 你,你们:You are young. 你们还年轻。/ You must leave. 你必须离开。/ You can’t trust him. 你不能信任他。/ You are a pretty girl, and I love you. 你是个可爱的女孩,我爱你。


young adj.年轻的,幼小的:Tom is younger than me. 汤姆比我年轻。/ Her father died when she was young. 她很小时父亲就死了。/ He is too young to go to school. 他还没到上学年龄。/ My mother looks young for her age. 我妈看起来比她的实际年龄年轻。

【考点】与定冠词连用,表示年轻人”(具有复数意义)The old and the young do not always understand each other. 年轻人和老年人并不是总可以彼此理解的。

your pron.你的,你们的:Which is your bike? 哪辆自行车是你的? / This is your book. 这是你的书。/ Your trousers are dirty. 你的裤子脏了。


yours pron. 你的,你们的:Which bike is yours? 哪辆自行车是你的? / My desk is bigger than yours. 我的课桌比你的大些。/ Her parents are richer than yours. 她的父母比你的父母富裕些。


yourself pron. 你自己:You said so yourself. 你亲口这样说的。/ Be careful or you will hurt yourself. 小心,不然会伤到自己。/ Go and wash yourself, Tom. 去洗一洗,汤姆。

yourselves pron. 你们自己:You and Mary will have to carry it by yourselves. 你和玛丽得自己提。

yo-yo n.[C](玩具)溜溜球



zero n. 1.[C](数字的)零:The figure 100 has two zeros[zeroes]. 100这个数字里有两个零。2.[U]零度:It was 4 below zero this morning.今天早上的气温是零下4度。3.[U]零点,最低点:Our spirits sank to zero. 我们的意志消沉到最低点。

zoo n.[C]动物园:There're three zoos in the city. 这座城市有3个动物园。/ He took his children to the zoo yesterday. 他昨天带孩子去了动物园。/ She thinks it’s wrong to keep animals in zoos. 她认为把动物关在动物园是不对的。


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