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wag v. 摇动(尾巴等)The dog wagged its tail. 狗摇尾巴。

wait vi.等,等候:Please wait a minute. 请等一会儿。/ I will wait for you at the gate. 我将在大门口等你。/ We shall wait to hear from you. 我们将等你的回音。/ We waited for the rain to stop. 我们等雨停。

waiter n.[C]男服务员

waiting room n.[C]候诊室,候车室:They are in the waiting room. 他们在候车室。

wake v.1.醒,醒来,叫醒:The noise woke me (up). 这声音把我吵醒了。/ Has he woken (up) yet? 他醒了没有? / Wake up! The house is on fire! 快醒醒!房子着火啦!/ I was waken up by a loud noise. 我被一声巨响惊醒。

walk v. We walked for five miles. 我们走了五英里。/ You're walking too slowly. 你走得太慢了。/ We'll have to walk home. 我们将只好步行回家。/ Walking is good exercise. 散步是很好的锻炼。n.[C]步行,散步:My grandfather takes a walk every day. 我的祖父每天散步。 Do you often go for walks? 你经常去散步吗? / It's only a ten-minute walk from here. 走路10分钟就到。

【考点】用作名词表示散步时,为可数名词,指一次散步。要表示抽象意义或泛指意义的散步,不能用walk,而用动名词形式,如散步有益健康不能译为Walk is good to health,而应译为Walking is good to health

walkman n.[C]随身听:CD walkman 随身听CD / radio walkman 随身听收音机 / I want to buy a walkman. 我想买个随身听。


wall n.[C] There's a picture on the wall. 墙上有张画。/ There is a hole in the wall. 墙上有个洞。/ There is a high wall all around the prison. 监狱四周都有高墙。

wallet n.[C]皮夹子,钱包:Whose wallet is this? 这是谁的钱包? / I had my wallet stolen. 我的钱包被偷了。/ He picked up a wallet with a lot of money in it. 他拾到一个钱包,里面装着许多钱。

want vt. 1.想,想要:I want two. 我要两个。/ Somebody wants to see you. 有人想见你。/ I’ll see if he wants anything. 我去看他是否需要什么。/ He doesn't want anybody to know it.他不愿意任何人知道这事。2.需要,必要:Your hair wants cutting. 你的头发该理了。/ The room wants to be cleaned. 这房间需要打扫了。

【考点】1.表示主观上想要,其后可接不定式,但不接动名词;表示客观上的需要,其后可接不定式,也可接动名词(用主动表被动)Your clothes want washing[to be washed]. 你的衣服要洗了。2.其宾语后的动词可用不定式、现在分词过去分词,但含义不同,比较:He wants me to go. 他要我去。(meto go有逻辑上的主谓关系) / He wants the letter posted at once. 他要求把这信马上寄了。(the letterposted有被动关系) / I don't want you getting into trouble. 我不希望你去惹麻烦。(多用于否定句,表示不希望或不愿意某人做某事)

war n.[C,U]战争:The war is over. 战争结束了。/ The war is still on. 仗还在打。/ He was killed in the war. 他在战乱中丧生。/ The war has lasted for a long time. 这场战争持续了很长时间。/ When did the Second World War break out? 第二次世界大战什么时候爆发的?

wardrobe n.衣柜:a wardrobe with a mirror 带穿衣镜的衣柜

warm adj. 1.暖和的,温暖的:It’s getting warm. 暖和起来了。/ It was a warm afternoon. 这是一个暖和的下午。/ Wash your hands with warm water. 用热水洗洗手。/ Come and get warm by the fire. 来烤烤火吧。2.热情的:He received a warm welcome. 他受到热情欢迎。/ They were given a warm send-off. 他们受到热烈的欢送。v. 使暖和,变暖:Please warm (up) this milk. 请把牛奶热一热。/ He warmed his hands by the fire. 他烤火暖手。/ The fire soon warmed the room. 火很快使屋子暖和起来。

warn vt.警告:I won’t warn you again. 我不再警告你了。/ I warned him not to do so. 我警告过他不要那样做。/ I warned him to stay away. 我告诫他别靠近。/ He warned his daughter never to drive after drinking. 他告诫女儿千万不要酒后开车。

warning n.[C,U]警告,警报:The boss gave his workers a warning about being late. 老板警告工人不要迟到。/ Because of her warning, I was careful. 由于她的提醒,我很小心。

wash v. 洗,冲洗:Please wash before dinner. 饭前请洗手。/ These clothes wash well. 这种衣服好洗。/ Go and wash yourselfTom. 去洗一洗,汤姆。/ I wash my clothes myself. 我自己洗衣服。n.[C]洗:I must have a wash first. 我得先洗一洗。/ Go up stairs and have a wash. 上楼去洗一洗。/ I must have[get] a wash first. 我必须先洗个澡。/ Give the car a good wash. 把汽车好好地洗一洗。

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