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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-27    
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worm n. 1.[C]软体虫,蠕虫(尤指蚯蚓)Earthworms help the soil by digging holes in it.蚯蚓通过在土壤中钻洞而有益于土壤。2.[C]寄生虫

worried adj. 担心的,烦恼的:I felt worried. 我感到忧虑。/ She wasn't worried at all. 她一点不着急。/ He has a worried look. 他神色忧虑。/ She is very worried about her sick mother. 她很担心她生病的母亲。

worry n. 1.[U]烦恼,担忧:She has no worry at all. 她没有一点烦恼。2.[C]烦恼的事(),烦恼的原因:My father has a lot of worries. 我父亲有许多烦恼的事。v.担心,烦恼:Don’t worry about it. 别为此事烦恼。/ He worries if I don’t phone every weekend. 每周末我不打电话给他,他就担心。2.使担心,使烦恼:He worried himself about his future. 他担心自己的将来。/ I hope this will not worry anyone. 我希望这不会使谁忧虑。

worse adj.更坏的,更糟糕:His health is getting worse every day. 他的健康日益恶化。/ It could be worse. 可能更糟。/ My pronunciation is poor. His is even worse. 我的语音不好,他的更差。/ It was much worse than I thought. 它比我想像的还要糟得多。adv.更坏地,更糟地:You're working worse than I expected. 你做的比我预料的要差。/ She sings worse than ever.她唱得比过去糟。n.[U]更坏的事(情况)There is worse to follow. 还有更糟的情况会发生。

worst adj.最坏的:This is the worst room in the hotel. 这是旅馆里最差的房间。/ She is the worst singer I know. 她是我知道的最差的歌手。adv.最坏地,最糟地:He sang worst of all. 他是所有人当中唱得最差的。n.(连用the)最坏者,最差的情况:The worst is still to come. 最坏的情况还在后头。/ Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 存最好的希望,作最坏的准备。

worth adj. 1.值得的:His words are worth notice.他的话值得注意。/ This book is worth reading. 这本书值得读。/ It might be worth thinking about. 这可能值得考虑。/ The clock is not worth repairing. 这台钟不值得修理。/ Is it worth visiting the city? 这个城市值得去看吗? 2.(多少钱)It’s might be worth a lot of money. 它可能值很多钱。/ The computer is worth 2000 yuan. 这电脑值2000元。

【考点】1.表示值得做某事时,后接的动词要用动名词,不能用不定式。2.要加强语气,表示很值得,习惯上不用very修饰,而通常用well修饰:The work is well worth doing. 这工作很值得做。

would aux. v. 1.会,将会:They said it would be fine. 听说天气会很好。/ He said he would come. 他说他要来。3.愿意:She said that she would marry him. 她说她愿意嫁给他。3.(表过去习惯)常,有的习惯:She would lose the key! 她总是把钥匙弄丢了。

wound vt.受伤,伤害:He was wounded in the leg. 他腿部受了伤。n.[C]创伤,伤口:He died from a gun-wound. 他死于枪伤。

wounded adj. 受伤的:The wounded lion went for the hunter. 受伤的狮子向猎人扑去。

wow interj.哇,哟

write v. 1.写,书写:Write down your names. 把你们的名字写下来。/ Some children can read and write before go to school. 有些孩子上学前已经学会了读书写字。2.写作:He wrote several books on Britain. 他写了几本讨论英国的书。3.写信(给某人)He promised to write to me every week. 他答应每周写信给我。

writer n.[C]作家,作者:He is a great writer. 他是伟大的作家。

writing n. 1.[U]书写,写作:I enjoy writing. 我喜欢写作。2.[U]笔迹:I can't read the doctor's writing. 我认不得医生的字迹。

wrong adj. 1.错误的:The answer is wrong. 这个答案是错的。/ You are wrong to do it.你这样做是不对的。2.不正常的,有毛病的:Something is wrong. 出问题了。/ What’s wrong with the car this time? 汽车这次又出了什么事? adv.不对,错误地:You answered wrong. 你答错了。


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