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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-27    
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which pron. 1.哪个,哪些:Which is yours? 哪个是你的? / Which do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个? / Which are our seats? 哪些是我们的座位? / Which of them is the eldest? 他们谁最大? / Ask him which he wants. 问他要哪一个。2.(关系代词)The book which you gave me is very interesting. 你给我的那本书很有趣。/ The train which has just left is for Beijing. 刚开的那列火车是开往北京的。


whichever pron. 无论哪个,无论哪些:Buy whichever is cheapest. 买最便宜的。/ Whichever you want is yours. 你要哪一个,哪一个就是你的。/ Whichever side winsI shall be happy. 不管哪边赢,我都会高兴。

while conj.的时候:Don't talk while you're eating. 吃饭时不要说话。/ She called while I was out. 我不在家的时候她来访。/ She listened while he read. 他朗读时她听着。/ I met him while I was taking a walk in the park. 我在公园散步时遇到了他。n.[C]一会儿,一段时间:He left a little while ago. 他刚走了一会儿。/ Let’s sit down here for a while. 我们在这里坐一会吧。

【辨析】when, aswhile的区别,见when

white adj.白色的:My car is white. 我的汽车是白色的。/ He pained the wall white. 他把墙漆成白色。n.[C,U]白色:She was dressed in white. 她穿一身白色的衣服。/ White is the color of snow and milk. 白色是雪和牛奶的颜色。

who pron. 1.谁:Who is on the phone? 谁来的电话? / Who are those people? 那些人是谁? / Who were you talking to? 你在和谁谈话? / I don't know who did it. 我不知道这是谁干的。2.(关系代词)Everyone who knows him likes him. 认识他的人都喜欢他。/ He liked the girl who sat next to him. 他喜欢坐在他身旁的那个女孩。

whole adj. 1.全体的,整个的:His whole family caught flu. 他全家患了流行性感冒。/ I'm sorry about the whole thing. 对这一切我感到抱歉。2.整整的:I had to walk the whole day. 我不得不走了一整天的路。/ She never said a word the whole two hours. 整整两个小时她一句话也不说。n.[C]全部,全体:Two halves makes a whole. 两个一半构成一个整体(全部)/ He spent the whole of that year in Paris. 那一整年他都是在巴黎度过的。

whom pron.谁:Whom do you like best? 你最喜欢谁? / Whom are you writing to? 你在给谁写信? / To whom you give the money? 你把钱给了谁?2.(关系代词)He is a man whom we all like. 他是一个我们都喜欢的人。/ The man whom I saw is called Smith. 我见到的那个人叫史密斯。

【用法】who的宾格形式,原则上说只能用作宾语,但在口语或非正式文体往往可用主格代替:Who(m) did you give it to? 你把它给谁了? / I don't know who(m) you mean. 我不知道你指的是谁。不过若是紧跟在介词之后,则只能用 whomWith whom did you go? 你是同谁去的?

whose pron. 1.谁的:Whose is better? 谁的好一些? / Whose dictionary is this? 这是谁的词典? / Do you know whose house that is? 你知道那房屋是谁的吗? 2.(关系代词)The house whose windows are broken is empty. 破了窗户的那座房子是空的。/ There are some students whose questions I can't answer. 有些学生提出的问题我回答不了。

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