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【辨析】hopewish1.可说wish sb to do sth,但不能说hope sb to do sth2.后接从句,hope后的从句用陈述语气,wish后的从句用虚拟语气。

【用法】后接that从句时,从句谓语通常要用虚拟语气,其结构为:指将来情况用 “could, would, might+动词原形构成,指现在或当时的情况谓语用过去时,指过去情况用过去完成时:I wish you wouldn't smoke any more. 我希望你别再抽烟了。/ He wished he hadn't said it. 他想要是自己没说那话就好了。

with prep. 1.…()一起,带着:Come with me. 跟我一起来吧。/ I went on holiday with my friend. 我跟我朋友一起去度假。2.持有,随身带着:I have no money with me. 我没有带钱。/ China is a very large country with a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的大国。3.以,用:She wrote the letter with a pencil. 她用铅笔写那封信。/ What will you buy with the money? 你用这钱买什么?/ Fill the glass with wine. 把杯子装满酒。4.因为:He is tired with work. 他工作做累了。/ My mother is in bed with a bad cold. 我母亲患重感冒,卧病在床。5.一起,随着:The girl seemed to be growing prettier with each day. 那女孩好像长得一天比一天漂亮。6.(表伴随或附带情况)同时:I slept with the window open. 我开着窗睡觉。/ Don’t speak with your mouth full. 不要满嘴巴食物说话。7.对,关于:What’s wrong[the matter] with you? 你怎么了?/ It’s the same with us students. 我们学生也是这样。

without prep. 1.(表否定)没有,不需:He came without his wife. 他没有携妻前来。/ He went without his supper. 他没有吃晚饭就走了。/ He left without telling me. 他没有告诉我就走了。/ There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。/ Don’t go out without a coat on. 不要没穿外衣就出去。2. (表条件)若无,若非:Without water, we cannot live. 没有水,我们就活不了。/ Can you see without your glasses? 你不戴眼镜能看得清东西吗?

woman n.[C]妇女,女人:Do you know the woman? 你认识这女人吗?/ Every woman should learn to cook. 每个女人都应学做饭。

【用法】可用于名词前表明其性别,如a woman doctor 女医生,这类表达中的名词若变为复数,那么其前的woman也用复数,如some women doctors一些女医生。

wonder v.1.疑惑,惊奇:I wonder at what you say. 你的话令我吃惊。2.想知道:I wonder if he would come. 不知他是否会来。/ I wonder if I might use your phone. 不知可否用一下你的电话。n.[U]惊讶,惊叹:She looked at him in wonder. 她惊讶地看着他。2.[C]奇迹,奇观:the seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇观 / It's a wonder seeing you here. 在这里见到你真是奇迹。

wonderful adj. 美妙的,精彩的:Wonderful! 好极了! / We had a wonderful time. 我们过得相当愉快。/ It's wonderful to see you again. 又见到你真是太好了。/ You are wonderful. 你真棒。/ It’s wonderful to go skiing in summer. 夏天滑雪绝妙无比。/ This is a wonderful place for a picnic. 这里是野餐的好地方。

wood n.[U]1.木头,木材:This house is made of wood. 这栋房子是木建的。/ Put some wood on the fire. 在火上添点柴。2.[C,常用复]树木,森林:There is a wood behind our house. 我家后面有片小树林。/ She got lost in the woods. 她在森林里迷路了。/ We went deep into the woods. 我们深入到树林中。

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