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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-11-30    
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【短语】1. for sure 肯定地,无疑地:We will win for sure. 我们肯定会赢。2. make sure 弄清,弄确实;设法,确保:Make sure you get here before five. 确保在5点前赶到这儿。/ Arrive early at the cinema to make sure of (getting) a seat. 早点去电影院以便能弄个座位。

【辨析】surecertain:两者在表示确信一定时,都用作表语,其用法异同如下:1.后接to do sthof doing sth时,两者可互换,但这两个结构的含义稍有差别,前者表示说话者的看法,意为一定会肯定会,后者表示句子主语的信念,意为确信会自信会He is sure[certain] to win. 他肯定会赢。/ He is sure[certain] of winning. 他自信会赢。2.类似以下这样的用it作形式主语的句子,通常要用certain,不用sureIt’s certain that he will win. 他肯定会赢。3.与动词be用于祈使句时,通常用sure,不用certainBe sure to come early. 一定要早点来。

surf n.[U]浪花:Soon it disappeared in the surf. 它很快就在浪花中消失。vi.冲浪,参加冲浪运动:Let’s go surfing. 我们冲浪去。/ If the waves are big enough, we’ll go surfing. 如果浪大,我们就去冲浪。

surfer n.[C]冲浪者

surfing n.[U]冲浪(运动)Surfing is very interesting. 冲浪很有意思。/ Do you like surfing? 你喜欢冲浪吗?

surprise vt.使惊奇,使诧异:It surprised me to see so many people there. 在那里看到那么多的人让我感到意外。/ I was much surprised at the news. 我听到消息非常吃惊。/ I am surprised to hear you say that. 听你这样说我感到很惊讶。 n. 1.[U]惊奇,诧异:His face showed surprise at the news. 他听到这个消息脸上露出吃惊的神色。2.[C]意外之事:What a surprise to see you here! 真想不到在这里见到你! / Her visit was a surprise to me. 她的访问出乎我的意料之外。

【短语】1. in surprise 吃惊地,惊讶地:He looked at her in surprise. 他吃惊地看着她。2. to one’s surprise 使吃惊的是:To my surprise the door was not unlocked. 使我吃惊的是门没锁。

sweat n.[U]汗,汗水:I was covered in sweat after playing football. 我踢完足球浑身都是汗。vi.出汗,冒汗:We sweat when it is very hot. 天气很热时我们会出汗。/ If you get too hot your skin will sweat. 如果你太热你的皮肤会出汗。

sweater n.[C]运动衫,毛衣:In winter, he wears a wool sweater over his shirt. 冬天他在衬衣外面穿一件羊毛衫。/ He put on his sweater and went out. 他穿上毛衣就出去了。

Sweden n. 瑞典:During my stay in Sweden, I met Jim. 我呆在瑞典时见到了吉姆。


Swedish adj.瑞典的,瑞典人的,瑞典语的 n.1.[U]瑞典语:He can speak Sweden. 他会说瑞典语。2.(连用the,表集合意义)瑞典人

sweep v. 扫除,扫:He swept the room. 他打扫房间。/ Sweep the floor clean. 把地扫干净。/ He swept the waste paper away. 他把废纸扫走了。/ Have you swept in here/ 这里面你打扫过了吗? n.(单数)打扫,清扫:This floor needs a good sweep. 这地板需要好好清扫一下。/ He gave the room a good sweep. 他把这个房间扫得很干净。

sweet adj.1.甜的:She likes her tea sweet. 她喜欢喝甜茶。2.甜美的,愉快的,舒服的:She has a sweet voice. 她说话声音很甜。3.芳香的:These flowers have a sweet smell. 这些花有香味。4.可爱的,漂亮的:What a sweet girl! 多可爱的小姑娘! n. 1.[C]糖果:Don't eat too many sweets. 不要吃太多的糖果。/ May I have a sweet? 我可以吃一块糖吗? 2.[C,U]甜食:What are we having for sweet? 我们的甜食吃什么? / I don't want any sweet(s). 我不要吃甜食。

swim n.[C]游泳:Come for a swim! 来游一会儿泳!/ Let's go for a swim. 我们去游泳吧。/ I'll take you for a swim. 我将带你去游泳。v. 1.游泳:She is teaching the children to swim. 她在教孩子游泳。2. 游过,游(一段距离)He swam (across) the river. 他游过了这条河。/ I can swim two miles. 我能游2英里。

swimming n.[U]游泳:a swimming pool 游泳池 / Swimming is a good form of exercise. 游泳是一种很好的运动。/ Swimming is good for health. 游泳有益健康。/ My favourite sport is swimming. 我最喜欢的运动是游泳。

【辨析】swimmingswim:两者均可用作名词,表示游泳,区别是:swim是可数的,意为一次游泳Let's go for a swim. 我们去游泳吧。/ I only had two swims last year. 我去年只游泳两次。swimming表示一般意义或泛指意义的游泳,是不可数名词

Swiss adj.瑞士的,瑞士人的:This is my watch; it's a Swiss one. 这是我的手表,它是瑞士制的。n.[C]瑞士人:It was invented by a Swiss. 这是一位瑞士人发明的。/ The Swiss are clever at making watches. 瑞士人善于制表。

Switzerland n. 瑞士:He was born in Switzerland. 他生于瑞士。





U.K./ UK (= United Kingdom) n. 英国,联合王国:in the UK 在英国

Um interj. 嗯:Um, let me think. 嗯,让我想想。

umbrella n.[C] 雨伞:May I borrow your umbrella? 我可否借一下你的雨伞? / Take an umbrella — it's going to rain. 带上伞吧,要下雨了。

U.N. /UN (=the United Nations) n. 联合国

uncle n.[C]叔,伯,舅,姑父,姨父:He is my uncle. 他是我的叔叔。/ I’m going to my uncle’s. 我将去我叔叔家。/ Hi, Uncle John. 约翰叔叔,你好。

under prep. 1.下面,在以下:Put the box under the bed. 将盒子放在床下。/ They sat under the trees. 他们坐在树下。/ I think your letter is under that book. 我想你的信就在书下面。2.不满,少于:She is under thirty, I believe. 我想他未满30 岁。/ Under 90 people were there. 在那边的不足90人。/ The price is under five dollars. 价钱不到5美元。

【注意】under的基本意思是,但并不是汉语中所有的均可用under来翻译,如汉语说在某人的帮助下,英语要说成with one’s help,而不能说成under one’s help;又如汉语说在阳光下,英语要说成in the sun,而不能说成under the sun

underground adj. 地下的:There is an underground room in the old house. 在老房子里有一个地下室。n.[C]地铁:He goes to work by underground. 他坐地铁上班。

undersea adj. 海底的:undersea boat 潜水艇

understand v. 1.懂得,明白,理解:Does he understand Chinese? 他懂中文吗?/ I didn’t understand what he said. 我不明白他的意思。/ A good teacher must understand children. 一个好的老师应该了解孩子。2.听说,知悉:I understand that you are planning to go to Africa. 我听说你计划到非洲去。

universe n.宇宙:God is believed to have made the universe.人们相信神创造了宇宙。/ Stars fill every part of the known universe. 星球存在于已知宇宙的每一个部分。

university n.[C]大学:I like this university. 我喜欢这所大学。/ Do you want to go to university? 你想上大学吗? / Which university did you go to? 你上的是哪所大学?/ Has he been to university? 他上过大学吗?

unknown adj. 不知道的:His plan is unknown to me. 他的计划我并不知道。/ It was unknown country to me. 这地区对我说来是陌生的。

unless conj. 如果不,除非:You won’t catch the bus unless you run. 除非你跑着去,否则你就搭不上公共汽车了。/ I shall go there tomorrow unless I'm too busy. 如果我不太忙,明天将到那儿去。

【注意】由于本身已含有否定意义,因此不要受 if...not 的影响而在unless后误加not,如不能把如果不下雨,我们就去译为We shall go unless it does not rain,应去掉not或改为We shall go if it doesn't rain.

unlike prep. 不像,和不同:He was so unlike Englishmen.他那样不像英国人。/ It’s unlike him to say so. 讲那种话实在不像他。/ She is unlike her mother; she is tall and her mother is very short. 她不像她妈妈;她很高,而她妈妈很矮。

unlucky adj. 不幸的,倒霉的:They were unlucky to lose because they played so well. 他们很倒霉,打得那么好,却打输了。/ Some people say it is unlucky to walk under a ladder. 有人说在梯子下面走过去是不吉利的。/ Friday is believed to be an unlucky day. 星期五被认为是不吉利的日子。

until prep. 直到为止:We can't go until Thursday. 我们要到星期四才能去。/ The restaurant is open until midnight. 这家餐馆营业到午夜十二点才关门。/ I waited until three o’clock, but he didn’t come. 我一直等到三点,但他没来。 conj. 以前,直到:He didn’t appear until the concert had begun. 直到音乐开始他才露面。/ Wait here until I come.在这里等到我来。

【考点】1. till的用法与until的用法基本相似(本词条中的until均可换成till),只是untiltill稍正式,且位于句首时多用 until2.在肯定句中,句子(或主句)的谓语必须是持续性动词,不能是终止性动词,如可说I waited until he came. 但不能说I stopped until he came3.否定句中,句子(或主句)谓语可以是终止性动词,如可说I didn’t stop until he came(直到他来我才停止)4.否定句中,句子(或主句)谓语用持续性动词和终止性动词均可,但含义有区别:He didn’t wait until I came. 他没有等到我来(即在我来之前就走了)/ He didn’t leave until I came. 直到我来他才走。

unusual adj.不平常的,异常的:This is an unusual hat. 这是一顶不寻常的帽子。/ Such cold weather is quite unusual. 这样冷的天气是很少的。


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