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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2008-12-17    
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taxi n.[C]出租汽车:You'd better call a taxi. 你最好叫一辆出租车。/ I saw her getting into[out of] a taxi. 我看见她在上()出租车。/ He took a taxi to the station. =He went to the station by taxi. 他坐出租车去车站。

TB n.肺结核()

tea n.[C,U]茶:Have a cup of tea! 喝杯茶吧! / I will make some tea. 让我泡点茶。/ I bought half a kilo of tea. 我买了半公斤茶叶。/ We’d like three teas and one coffee. 我们要3杯茶和1杯咖啡。

【考点】1.作为物质名词,不可数;表示一杯茶一种茶,则可数。2.汉语说沏茶泡茶,英语通常用make (the) tea表示;汉语说喝茶,英语通常用drink teahave tea take tea等表示。3.汉语的绿茶说成英语是green tea,但相应的红茶却是black tea 而不是 red tea

teach v.教书,教:Who teaches English? 谁教英语? / Who teaches you? 谁教你? / Who teaches you English?=Who teaches English to you? 谁教你英语? / I shall teach you how to cook. 我将教你(怎样)做饭。/ Never offer to teach fish to swim. ()不要班门弄斧。

teacher n.[C]教师,教员:I want to be a teacher. 我想当老师。/ He is a history teacher. 他是历史老师。/ Teachers should help their students. 老师应该帮助学生。/ The teacher's job is very important. 教师的工作很重要。

【考点】1.表示某一学科的教师,有两种表达:a maths teacher / a teacher of maths 数学教师。2.按照英语习惯,我们在称呼老师老师时不能说成Teacher Wang, Teacher Li 等之类的,而应根据其性别称之为 Mr (Mrs, Miss) Wang 之类的。

team n.[C]队,组:She is the best player in the team. 她是队里最优秀的运动员。/ We are pleased that our team has won the match. 我们队赛赢了,我们感到很高兴。/ We chose him as captain of our team. 我们选他作我们队的队长。

【考点】1.表示在某个队或是某个队的队员,其前可用介词oninJim and Mike are in[on] the same football team. 吉姆和迈克是同一个足球队的(成员)

teamwork n.[U]合作,协同工作:Good teamwork between nurses and doctors is very important. 护士和医生的工作配合非常重要。/ I could not do it without teamwork. 没有集体的合作我就干不了。

teapot n.[C]茶壶:She put the teapot on a table. 她把茶壶放在桌子上。

tear n.[C](常用复)眼泪:The story moved her to tears. 这故事使她感动得流泪。/ Her eyes swim with tears. 她眼泪汪汪。/ She burst into tears. 她突然哭了起来。/ We found her in tears. 我们发现她在哭泣。/ Tears come to your eyes when you cry. 当你哭的时候,眼里就会充满泪水。


technique n.[C,U]技术,技巧,方法:Technique must be gained by practice. 技巧需通过实践获得。/ This musician has perfect technique. 这个音乐家有极高的技巧。/ You should improve your writing technique. 你要提高你的写作技巧。

technology n.[C,U]技术:Modern life depends on good technology. 现代生活依赖先进的技术。/ Computer (Medical) technology is changing the world. 电脑(医疗)技术正在改变世界。


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