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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-4    
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reach v. 1.到达:We will reach Beijing tonight. 我们今晚到达北京。/ Telephone me when you reach London. 到了伦敦就给我打电话。/ He reached the station at five. 5点到达车站。 2.延伸,达到(某处)The summer vacation reaches into September. 暑假一直放到9月。/ The sound reached to the back of the hall. 声音直传到大厅后面。3.(),伸手拿或碰到:He reached (out) for the book. 他伸手去拿那本书。/ He wasn't tall enough to reach the top of the door. 他不够高,伸手碰不到门顶。4.递给:Please reach me the dictionary. / Please reach the dictionary for me. 请把那本字典递给我。

【辨析】reach, arriveget,参见arrive

read v. 1.读,朗读:I have read everything he wrote. 他的作品我全读过。/ Please read us the letter. / Please read the letter to us. 请把信念给我们听。2.读起来:The story reads well. 这个故事读起来不错。3.辨认,辩读:My son can read clock. 我儿子会看钟。

reading n.[U]阅读,读书:Reading and writing are necessary skills. 读和写是必备的技能。/ Reading gives me much pleasure. 阅读给了我许多乐趣。

ready adj. 1.准备好的:Dinner will be ready in ten minutes. 晚饭十分钟后准备好。/ Are you ready for the journey? 你准备好去旅行了吗?/ She's getting dinner ready. 她正在准备晚餐。2.愿意,乐于:He's always ready to help others. 他总是乐于助人。/ He is very ready to give advice. =He is very ready with advice. 他老爱给人提建议。

【考点】后接不定式且不定式的逻辑宾语就是句子的主语时,该不定式用主动式或被动式均可:The cake is ready to eat[to be eaten].这饼可以吃了。

real adj. 真实的,确实的:Tell me the real reason. 告诉我真实的理由。/ Is the ring real gold? 这个戒指是真金的吗? / That is a real dog, not a toy. 那是一条真狗,不是玩具狗。


realize(realise) vt. 1.意识到:Suddenly he realized what was happening. 突然间他觉察到发生什么事了。/ He didn't realize his mistakes. 他没有意识到他的错误。/ She spoke English so well that I never realized she was German. 她英语说得那样好,我从未想到她却是德国人。/ Finally I realized what he meant. 最后我明白了他的意思。2.实现:His hopes were realized. 他的愿望实现了。/ His dream of becoming a policeman was realized. 他当警察的梦想实现了。

really adv.真正地,确实地:There's really nothing to be said. 的确没话可说。/ The show was really good. 表演的确很精彩。/ I'm really sorry for them. 我的确为他们感到难过。/ I'm not really interested in fishing. 我不是真正对钓鱼有兴趣。

【用法】1.在句中位置不同会导致含义不同:I really don't like her. 我确实不喜欢她。/ I don't really like her. 我不大喜欢她。2.口语中说not really,可用于表示怀疑或轻微的否定:"They got married last month." "Not really." “他们上个月结婚了。”“不会是真的吧!”/ "Are you busy now?" "Not really." “你现在忙吗?”“不怎么忙。

receive vt. 收到,得到:I received a letter from her this morning. 今天早上我收到她一封信。/ Have you received her New Year card? 你收到她的贺年卡了吗? / He started as soon as received the news. 他一接到消息就出发了。/ We received much help from our teacher. 我们得到老师许多帮助。

recently adv.最近,近来:We hear that he went abroad recently. 我们听说他最近出国了。/ I've only recently begun to learn French. 直到最近我才开始学法语。/ It happened quite[very] recently. 这是最近发生的事。

recycle v. 回收,再循环:This is called recycling. 这叫做回收。/ Steel, iron, glass, cloth and paper can all be recycled. 钢铁、玻璃、棉布和纸张都可以回收再用。

red n.[U]红色:She was dressed in red. 她穿着红色的衣裳。/ There is too much red in the painting. 这幅画红色太多。adj.红色的:He turned red with anger. 他气得涨红了脸。/ Blood is red. 血是红色的。/ He painted the door red. 他把门漆成红色。/ The sky is red when the sun rises. 太阳升起时,红霞满天。

reef n.[C]岩礁:strike a reef 触礁 / a coral reef 珊瑚礁


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