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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-4    
        ★★★ 【字体:


past adj.1.过去的,刚过去的:Don't worry about past mistakes. 不要担心过去的错误。/ I've been ill for the past three weeks. 我三周来一直在生病。2.完了的,结束的:The danger was past. 危险已经过去。/ Winter is past. 冬天结束了。adv. 过去,经过:We couldn’t get on the bus because it drove past. 我们搭不上汽车了,因为它开过去了。n.[U]过去,昔日,往事:In the past, he wrote with a pen; now he uses a computer. 过去他用笔写作,现在用电脑。prep. ,走过(某处)It’s past midnight now. 现在已过了午夜。/ It’s seven minutes past three. 现在是三点零七分。/ He walked past the house. 他走过那所房子。

【考点】in[for] the past five years之类的时间状语通常与现在完成时连用:He has lived here in the past ten years. 过去10年他一直住在这儿。

path n.[C]小道,小径:I looked down at the path ahead of me. 我瞧了瞧我们前面的小道。/ Keep to the path or you may get lost. 沿着小路走,否则可能会迷路。/ They walked together up the garden path. 他们一起沿着花园的小径散步。/ We walked along the path across the field. 我们沿着穿越田野的小路走去。

【辨析】path, roadway,见road

patience n.[U]容忍,耐心:She was soon out of patience. 很快她失去了耐心。/ What you need is more patience. 你需要的是更大的耐心。/ Have patience; the bus will come soon. 耐心点,公共汽车快来了。

patient n.[C]病人:The doctor visited her patients in the hospital. 医生查看了她的住院病人。/ When the doctor arrived the patient had died. 医生到时病人已死了。/ The patient was operated on yesterday. 病人昨天动的手术。adj. 忍耐的,容忍的:Be patient! 耐心点儿! / You should learn to be patient. 你应学会有耐心。

pause n.[C]中止,暂停,停止:He made a pause and then went on reading. 他顿了一下,随后又继续往下念。/ There was a pause in the talk when Mary came in. 玛丽进来时,谈话停顿了一下。vi.暂停,停顿:The speaker paused for breath. 演说者停下来喘口气。/ Pause before you cross the road. 过马路之前要先停步。/ He paused at the door and looked at her. 她在门口停了停,望了望她。

pay v.付钱,给报酬:I haven't paid the doctor yet. 我还没有付钱给医生。 / He paid the money last week. 上星期他把钱付了。/ He paid her the money yesterday.=He paid the money to her yesterday. 昨天他把钱付给她了。/ How much did you pay for that book? 你买那本书花了多少钱? / She is very well paid. 她薪金优厚。n.[U]工资:It’s a dirty job but the pay is good. 这是一份肮脏的工作,但工资不错。/ How much pay do you get? 你的工资是多少?

P.C. (=personal computer) n.[C]个人电脑:I have a PC at home and one at the office. 我在家和办公室各有一台电脑。

P.E. (=physical education) n.[U]体育:I like to have PE lessons. 我喜欢上体育课。

pea n.[C]豌豆:green peas 青豌豆

peace n.[U,C]和平,平静:After the last war, the country returned to peace.上次战争以后,这个国家恢复了和平。/ War began again after six years of peace. 六年和平之后战争又爆发了。

【用法】通常为不可数名词,但若表示一种和平或一段和平的时间,可连用不定冠词 After a brief peace, war broke out again. 在短暂的和平之后, 战争又爆发了。/ a peace of 50 years长达50年的和平时期


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