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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-4    
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pear n.[C]梨子,梨树:She is very fond of pears. 她非常喜欢吃梨。/ He gave them a pear each. 他给他们每个人一只梨。

pen n.[C]钢笔,笔:Is this pen yours? 这钢笔是你的? / He bought me a new pen. 他给我买了一支新钢笔。/ I've lost my pen. 我的钢笔弄丢了。

【用法】短语in pen的意思是用钢笔()”,其中不用冠词,它也可说成in ink

pencil n.[C]铅笔:This is my pencil. 这是我的铅笔。/ I need a new pencil. 我需要一支新铅笔。

【短语】in pencil 用铅笔写:Write in pencil, not in ink. 用铅笔写,不要用墨水笔。

pencil-box n.[C]铅笔盒:This is Tom's pencil-box. 这是汤姆的铅笔盒。/ It's in my pencil-box. 它在我的铅笔盒里。

penguin n.[C]企鹅:Penguins can swim but can't fly. 企鹅会游泳但不会飞。

pen-friend n.[C]笔友:She has some pen-friends in America. 她有些在美国的笔友。

penny n.[C]便士:There are four pennies on the table. 桌上有四个便士。/ This book costs twenty-nine and a half pence. 这本书花了29便士半。

【考点】penniespence两种复数形式:前者主要用来指一便士的硬币数,后者主要用于数词后构成复合词或用来谈论钱的价值:Give me five pennies for this five-pence. 请把这个5便士硬币换成51便士硬币。/ It only costs a few pence. 它只值几分钱。

【背景】one pound(1英镑)=100 pence(100便士)

people n. 1.[C]人,人们:I saw many people at the dance. 我在舞会上看到很多人。/ The streets were crowed with people. 大街上挤满了人。/ I know none of the people at the party. 晚会上的人我一个也不认识。2.[C]民族:the oppressed peoples被压迫民族 / the Hui people 回族 3.(连用the)人民:We study for the people. 我们为人民而学习。/ Victory certainly belongs to the people. 胜利一定属于人民。

【考点】1.表示人们,只用单数形式,但表示复数意义;作主语时谓语用复数People are not interested in such things. 人们对那样的事不感兴趣。2.表示一个人时,不能用one people,可根据情况改用one person, one man, one woman, one boy 等。3.表示民族时,为可数名词,其前可用不定冠词,也可有复数形式:The Chinese are a hard-working people. 中国人是一个勤劳的民族。/ The peoples of the world are against it. 世界各国人民都反对它。

pepper n.[U]胡椒粉:Do you need pepper and salt? 你要胡椒和盐吗?/ You always find salt and pepper on a restaurant table. 饭店的桌上总摆着盐和胡椒。

per prep. 每,每一:About 40 per cent of the students are girls. 约有百分之四十的学生是女生。/ The fruit costs 30 pence per kilo. 水果每公斤30便士。/ How much do you need per week? 你每周需要多少钱?

percent n.[C]百分之Ten percent of the papers were written in English. 百分之十的论文是用英语写的。/ More than 40 percent of the students wear glasses. 40%以上的学生戴眼镜。/ What percent of the students wear glasses? 戴眼镜的学生占多少比例?

【考点】1.其符号形式为%45 percent=45%2.单数复数同形,如可说 80 percent,但不说80 percents3.作主语时,其谓语的数与of后的名词或代词的数保持一致:Forty percent of it is gone. 其中的40%不见了。/ 35 percent of the doctors are women.百分之三十五的医生是女性。

perfect adj.完美的,极好的:Nobody is perfect. 没有人是完美的。/ Her English is perfect. 她的英语很棒。/ He speaks perfect English. 他英语说得很好。/ I'll try harder to make my work perfect. 我将更加努力把工作做好。



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