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orange n. 1.[C]柑橘,橙子:He brought us a basket of oranges. 他给我们带来了一篮子橙子。/ I don't like orange juice. 我不喜欢橙子汁。2.[U] 橘色,橙色:The woman was dressed in orange. 这个女人穿着橙黄色衣服。 adj.橘色的,橙色的:She wore an orange dress. 她穿着一件橙色连衣裙。

order n.[U]顺序:These numbers are in order. 这些数字是按顺序排列的。2.[U]秩序:keep order 维持秩序 / The telephone's out of order. 电话机坏了。3.(常用复)命令,指挥:give orders 下命令 / take orders 接受命令 4.[C]定购,定货:I placed an order for 500 pairs of shoes with the factory. 我向这家工厂定购了500双鞋。v. 1.定购,定货:He ordered himself a new suit. / He ordered a new suit for himself. 他为自己订购了一套西装。2.点菜:Please order for me. 请替我点菜。/ Are you ready to order yet, madam? 太太,你可以点菜了吗?3.命令,要求:He ordered them to stop. 他命令他们停下。/ The doctor ordered her to stay in bed. 医生要求她卧床。

【短语】1. in order to 为了:We used the computer in order to save time. 我们用电脑节约时间。2. in order thatHe studied hard in order that he could pass the exam. 他努力学习,是为了能通过考试。

ordinary adj.普通的,平常的:They lived in an ordinary house. 他们住在一座普通的房子里。/ It was a very ordinary day today. 今天是很平常的一天。/ An ordinary work day is eight hours. 正常的工作日是8小时。

other pron.别人,别的东西:Two of them were boys and the other was a girl. 他们中间两个是男孩,另一个是女孩。/ Some of them are red; others are brown. 其中有些是红的有些是棕色的。/ Others may not think that way. 别人可能不这样想。adj.别的,另外的:Have you got any other questions? 你还有其他的问题吗?/ Shut the[your] other eye, too. 另一只眼也闭上。/ He is cleverer than the other students in her class. 他比班上其他学生要聪明些。/ Other people may not think that way. 别人可能不这样想。


【短语】1. each other 相互,彼此:We should help each other. 我们应该互相帮助。2. every other 每隔一:We go there every other day. 我们每隔一天去一次。3. the other day 前不久的一天:I met her at the cinema the other day. 早几天我在电影院见到了她。

Ottawa n. 渥太华:Have you been to Ottawa? 你去过渥太华吗?

ouch interj.(突然受痛时的叫声)哎哟:Ouch! I hit my finger with the hammer! 哎哟!我用锤子砸了自己的手指。

ought aux. v.应该,应当:You ought to obey law. 你应当守法。/ We ought to go back now. 我们该回去了。/ He ought not to do that. 他不应该那样做。/ What ought I to say to him? 我应该对他说些什么呢?

our pron.我们的:He is our English teacher. 他是我们的英语老师。/ This is our school.这是我们的学校。/ Their room is bigger than our room. 他们的房间比我们的大。/ Our house is on the corner. 我们的房子在拐角处。

【考点】是形容词性物主代词,不能单独使用(即其后要修饰名词),如可说This is our room,但不能说This room is our


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