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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-1-4    
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【考点】1. all night (long) 整夜,通霄:The nurse sat by the patient all night (long). 护士整夜守在病人身旁。2. at night 在晚上:These animals only come out at night. 这些动物只在晚上才出来。/ It's too hot in the day and too cold at night. 白天太热晚上太冷。3. night and day 日夜,日日夜夜:The earth moves night and day. 地球昼夜不停地转。/ It rained all day and all night. 雨整日整夜地下。

nine num. 九:nine tenths 十分之九 / He is nine years old. 他九岁了。

nineteen num. 十九:There are nineteen students in our class. 我们班有19个学生。

ninety num. 九十:ninety nine times out of a hundred 百分之九十九 / in the nineties 九十年代

ninth num. 第九:He was the ninth in the exam. 他考试得第九名。/ Four ninths of the students are girls. 学生中九分之四是女生。


no adv.不,不是:"Is it raining?" "No, it’s snowing." “是在下雨吗?”“不,在下雪。adj. 没有,无,不:I have no friends here. 我在这儿没有朋友。/ There is no hope. 没有希望。/ There are no clouds in the sky. 天上一点云也没有。/ No other man could do it. 没有别的人能做它。

No. (=number) n.[C]数字,号码:Room No. 66 66号房间 / Bus No. 12 12路公共汽车 / Nos. 1-4 14 / He lives at No. 19 Hongxing Street. 他住在红星街19号。

nobody pron.没有人,谁也不:There is nobody in the room.房里没人。/ I saw nobody but him. 除了他,我什么人也没看到。/ He found that nobody was there. 他发现那儿没人。/ Nobody in our class speaks French. 我们班没有人会说法语。

【考点】1.含有nobody的陈述句变为反意疑问句时,疑问部分要用肯定式,且疑问部分用复数动词和复数代词:Nobody was hurt, weren't they? 没有一个人受伤,是吗? 2.其后一般不接表示范围的of短语,遇此情况可用none of代之:None of them went to see the film. 他们当中没有一个人去看电影。(其中的none不宜用nobody代之)

noise n.[C,U]声音,噪声,喧闹声:I heard a loud noise. 我听见一声巨响。/ Who’s making those strange noises? 谁弄出的那种怪声?/ The children are making a lot of noise. 孩子们在大声喧闹。

【辨析】noise, sound voice1.在一般情况下,凡是能听到的声音都可以叫 sound,另外,当把声音作为一种抽象概念来使用时,也要用soundSound travels slower than light. 声音传播不如光快。/ We heard a strange sound in the room. 我们听到屋里有一种奇怪的声音。

2. noise主要指大声的、令人不愉快的声音,尤指噪音:Stop making so much noise. 不要那样吵闹。/ He can't bear city noise(s). 他受不了城市的噪音。3. voice 主要指人讲话或唱歌的声音:He has a loud voice. 他讲话声音很大。(www.yywords.com)

noisy adj.喧闹的,嘈杂的:Don’t be so noisy! Jim’ s asleep. 别那么吵!吉姆睡着呢。/ The children are very noisy. 这些孩子太吵了。/ It’s very noisy in this office. 办公室很吵。


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