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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-3-25    
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happily adv. 1.幸福地,快乐地:She laughed happily. 她高兴地笑了。2.幸运地,幸亏:Happily, the accident was prevented. 很幸运,这个事故被阻止了。

【用法】表示幸亏时,通常位于句首,比较:Happily he didn't die. 幸亏他没死。/ He didn't die happily. 他死得很惨。

happy adj. 高兴的,快乐的,幸福的:She is a happy girl. 她是个快乐的小姑娘。/ Ann seems happy. 安似乎很快乐。/ Though we are poor, we’re still happy. 虽然我们穷,我们仍然很快乐。/ I wish you a happy New Year. 祝您新年快乐。/ I shall be happy to help you. 我乐意帮助你。(www.yywords.com)

hard adv. 1.努力地:He works very hard. 他工作非常努力。/ Think harder. 你仔细想想。2.用力地:Push hard. 用力推。/ Don't shut the door so hard. 别那么用力关门。3.猛烈地:It is raining hard and hard. 雨下得越来越大。adj. 1.困难的:The book is hard. 这本书很难。/ It is very hard to explain. 这很难说明。2.用力的:Give it a hard push, then it will move. 用力推它,它就会移动。3.坚硬的:This ground is too hard to dig. 这块地硬得挖不动。

hardly adv. 几乎不:We hardly had time to eat breakfast. 我们几乎没有时间吃早餐。/ I gain hardly anything. 我几乎没有得到什么。/ I can hardly believe that. 那我简直不能相信。

【考点】1.不要将hardly误认为是hard的副词形式(其实 hard可用作形容词也可用作副词),如他工作努力不能译为He works hardly,应译为He works hard2.含有否定意义,通常不宜再与否定词连用,后跟反意疑问句时,要用肯定式:It's hardly possible, is it? 那几乎是不可能的,是吗?

hardworking adj. 努力工作的:He's a hard-working man. 他是个勤勉的人。/ They're all hard-working. 他们都很卖力。

harm n.[U]伤害,损伤:There is no harm in trying. 试一试没有害处。/ That will do you no harm. 这不会给你造成损害。/ Smoking does harm to your health. 吸烟对你的身体有害。v.伤害,损害:There was a fire in our street, but our house wasn’t harmed at all. 我们这条街上发生了火灾,但我家的房子丝毫没有受到损害。

harmful adj. 有害的,致伤的:Strong sunlight can be harmful to young babies. 强烈的阳光对幼儿有害处。/ Smoking is harmful to your health. 吸烟有害健康。

harvest n. 1.[C,U]收割,收获()The weather changed at (the) harvest. 收获时节天气变坏。2.[C]收成:This year’s wheat harvest was poor. 今年小麦收成不好。v.收割,收获:The farmers are out harvesting (the corn). 农民们在地里收割(作物)/ When does the farmer harvest his wheat? 这个农民什么时候收割小麦?

hat n.[C]帽子,礼帽:put on (take off) one’s hat () / He is wearing a hat. 他戴着帽子。

hate v.讨厌,憎恨,不愿:We hate such people. 我们讨厌这样的人。/ I hated her to call me that. 我不愿意她这样称呼我。/ He hates people asking for money. 他讨厌人向他要钱。

【考点】1.其后可接不定式或动名词,含义大致相同:I hate troubling[to trouble] him. 我不想去麻烦他。有时不定式或动名词可以带逻辑主语:I hate women smoking[to smoke]. 我不喜欢女人抽烟。2. would hate后只接不定式,不接动名词I'd hate to spend Christmas alone. 我不喜欢一个人过圣诞节。

have v. aux. (构成完成时态)I have read the book. 我读过这本书。/ He has lived here since 1990. 1990年以来他一直住在这里。v. 1.有,拥有,具有:I have a lot of friends.我有许多朋友。/ She has got a good memory. 她记性很好。/ How much money do you have? 你有多少钱?2.吃,喝,吸()We usually have supper at six. 我们通常六点吃晚饭。/ Would you like to have a cup of tea? 要来杯茶吗? 3.进行,从事:May I have the first dance (with you)? 我可以请你跳第一个舞吗?/ She usually has a bath in the morning. 她早上通常要洗个澡。4.接受,体验,遭受:She had a good education. 她受过良好教育。/ I had my watch stolen last night. 昨晚我的手表被偷了。/ Had you any trouble with it? 这件事你碰到什么麻烦吗?5.让,使:I had my hair cut. 我理了发。/ I had them all laughing at my jokes.我的笑话使他们捧腹大笑。


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