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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-5-4    
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fragile adj.易碎的,易坏的:The thin glass is fragile. 薄玻璃容易碎。/ Pay attention to the fragile goods. 注意这些易碎货物。

France n. 法国:I went to live in France to learn French. 我去法国住,去学习法语。/ France is famous for its wines. 法国因它的酒而出名。

free adj. 1.自由的:You are free to go or stay. 去留随你便。/ You are free to do as you wish. 你想怎么做都可以。2.空闲的:I’ll be free in the afternoon. 我下午有空。/ The doctor will be free soon. 医生过一会儿就有空了。3.免费的:Children under five travel free on trains. 五岁以下的儿童可免费乘坐火车。

freeze v结冰,冻结:When water freezes it becomes ice. 当水凝固时就变成冰。/ Water freezes at 0. 水在摄氏零度结冰。/ We nearly froze to death. 我们差点儿冻死了。

French n.[U]法语:He speaks French. 他能说法语。/ We have a French lesson every Tuesday. 每星期二我们上一节法语课。adj. 法国的,法国人的,法语的:French wine 法国葡萄酒 / the French countryside 法国乡村 / He is French. 他是法国人。

【考点】要表示法国人,用the French,为集合名词,用作主语时,谓语用复数The French are proud of their cooking. 法国人以他们的烹饪自豪。

Frenchman n.[C] ()法国人

Friday n.[U,C]星期五:He’ll arrive on Friday morning. 他星期五上午到。/ Lots of people eat fish on Fridays. 很多人在星期五吃鱼。(www.yywords.com)

fridge n.[C]冰箱:Is there any milk in the fridge? 冰箱里还有牛奶吗?

friend n. 1.[C]朋友:a boy (girl) friend ()朋友 / We are very good friends. 我们是很要好的朋友。/ A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难朋友才是真正的朋友。

【考点】在下面几个短语中,friend通常要用复数be friends (with) (…)友好,(…)做朋友 / make friends (with) (…)交朋友 / keep friends (with) (…)保持友好关系

friendly adj. 友好的,和蔼可亲的:He is friendly to us all. 他对我们大家都很友好。/ A friendly dog came to meet us. 一条友好的狗出来迎接我们。

【考点】1.虽以-ly结尾,却是形容词而不是副词,如不说He treated us friendly. 而说He treated us in a friendly way. 他待我们很友好。2.表示对某人友好,用介词 to / towards,表示与某人要好介词 withHe is not very friendly to[towards] newcomers.他对新来的人不太友好。/ John is friendly with me. 约翰和我很要好。

friendship n.[U,C]友谊,友情:True friendship is worth more than money. 真正的友谊比金钱更宝贵。/ His friendships never last very long. 他跟朋友的交情总是维持不了多久。/ The boys have had a long friendship. 这些孩子们有很长时间的友谊了。


frighten vt.使惊恐,吓唬:Don't frighten him. He is telling the truth. 别恐吓他,他讲的是真话。/ The sudden noise frightened us. 突如其来的声音使我们吓了一跳。

frightened adj.受惊吓的,害怕的:Each of them was deeply frightened. 他们个个都惊恐万分。/ Most children are frightened[afraid] of snakes. 大多数小孩都怕蛇。

【辨析】frightenedfrightening:前者指感到害怕,后者指令人害怕The man was frightened. 这个人很害怕(即被吓住了)/ The man was frightening. 这个人很恐怖(好像要伤人似的)


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