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作者:wanzini    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-5-7    
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Section B


Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on ANSWER SHEET 1 by blackening the corresponding letter in the rackets with a pencil. (10 points)


The lost car of the Lees was found _________________ in the woods off the highway.

[A] vanished [B] scattered [C] abandoned [D] rejected

The sentence should read. "The lost car of the Lees was found abandoned in the woods off the highway. Therefore, you should choose [C].


11. He is too young to be able to _________________ between right and wrong.

[A] discard

[B] discern

[C] disperse

[D] disregard

12. It was no _________________ that his car was seen near the bank at the time of the robbery.

[A] coincidence

[B] convention

[C] certainty

[D] complication

13. One of the responsibilities of the Coast Guard is to make sure that all ships ___________ follow traffic rules in busy harbors.

[A] cautiously

[B] dutifully

[C] faithfully

[D] skillfully

14. The Eskimo is perhaps one of the most trusting and considerate of all Indians but seems to be ____________ the welfare of his animals.

[A] critical about

[B] indignant at

[C] indifferent to

[D] subject to

15. The chairman of the board __________ on me the unpleasant job of dismissing good workers the firm can no longer afford to employ.

[A] compelled

[B] posed

[C] pressed

[D] tempted

16. It is naive to expect that any society can resolve all the social problems it is faced with __________.

[A] for long

[B] in and out

[C] once for all

[D] by nature

17. Using extremely different decorating schemes in adjoining rooms may result in ___________ and lack of unity in style.

[A] conflict

[B] confrontation

[C] disturbance

[D] disharmony

18. The Timber rattlesnake is now on the endangered species list, and is extinct in two eastern states in which it once __________.

[A] thrived

[B] swelled

[C] prospered

[D] flourished

19. However, growth in the fabricated metals industry was able to __________ some of the decline in the iron and steel industry.

[A] overturn

[B] overtake

[C] offset

[D] oppress

20. Because of its intimacy, radio is usually more than just a medium; it is ___________.

[A] firm

[B] company

[C] corporation

[D] enterprise


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