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dad n. 爸爸,爹爹:What are you doing, dad? 爸爸,你在干什么? / I'll have to ask my mum and dad. 我得去问问我爸妈。/ Come on, Dad. Let's have a drink. 来吧,老爸,我们来喝一杯。

dance v. 跳舞,跳()I like to dance. 我喜欢跳舞。/ Would you like to dance with me? 请你同我跳曲舞好吗? / She danced the waltz with me. 她和我跳了华尔兹舞。n.[C]跳舞,舞会:At the hotel dances are held nightly. 这家宾馆每晚都有舞会。/ May I have your next dance? 下一曲我可以和你跳舞吗?

【用法】用作名词,只表示具体意义的跳舞,不表示抽象意义的跳舞,要表示后者的意思用dancing,如要表示跳舞对你的健康有益,可说成Dancing does good to your health. 但不能说成Dance does good to your health.

danger n.1.[U]危险:Red is for danger. 红色代表危险。/ The danger is over. 危险已过去了。/ There is a lot of danger in rock climbing. 攀登岩壁非常危险。2.[C]危害,威胁:Smoking is a danger to health. 吸烟对健康有害。

【短语】1. in danger 在危险中:She is still in danger. 她还处于危险之中。2. in danger of 的危险:He was in danger of losing his life. 他有丧失性命的危险。/ You're in danger of catching cold. 你有着凉的危险。3. out of danger 脱离危险:The patient is now out of danger. 病人已脱离危险。

dangerous adj. 危险的,有危险性的,引起危险的:This lake is dangerous for swimmers. 在这个湖里游泳危险。/ It's dangerous for children to play on the street. 孩子们在街上玩很危险。

【用法】该词指本身具有危险性或会引起危险,而不是处于危险之中,要表示后者的意思用in dangerHe is dangerous. 他是个危险人物。/ He is in danger. 他处境危险。

dark adj. 黑暗的:It was dark outside. 外面很黑。/ It was nearly dark when we got home. 我们到家时天快黑了。/ It's too dark to read. Please turn on the light. 太黑了,不能看书,请开灯。n. 1. (用定冠词)黑暗,暗处:Children are usually afraid of the dark. 小孩通常都害怕黑暗。/ Cats can see in the dark. 猫在黑暗中能够看见。2.[U]黄昏,傍晚,黑夜:They turn the light on at dark. 他们在黄昏时开灯。/ The boy got home after dark. 这个小男孩天黑后到家。

date n. 日期,年月日:What's the date today? =What date is it today? 今天是什么日子?

daughter n.[C]女儿:He has three daughters. 他有三个女儿。/ Liu Hulan was a fine daughter of the Party. 刘胡兰是党的好女儿。

day n. 1.[C]日,一天:There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天。/ It has not stopped raining for days. 雨好几天没停了。2.[U,C]白天,昼:We work during the day and sleep during the night. 我们白天工作,晚上睡觉。3. (特定)日子,节日:Mother's Day 母亲节 / Teachers' Day 教师节 / New Year's Day 元旦 / National Day 国庆节

【短语】1. by day 日间,在白天:He works by night and sleeps by day. 他晚上工作,白天睡觉。2. day and night 日夜不停地,昼夜兼行地: He worked day and night[night and day]. 他日夜不停地工作。3. one day 有一天(可指过去或将来)One day last week I met her in the street. 上周的一天我在街上遇到了她。4. some day 有一天(只指将来) I hope to see him some day[one day]. 我希望有一天能见到他。 5. the other day 几天前,早几天:I lost my watch the other day. 早几天我把表丢了。

dead adj. 死的,无生命的:Her parents are both dead. 他父母都死了。/ He has been dead for years. 他死了好几年了。/ Do the dead come back to life? 死人会复活吗?

deaf adj. 聋的:He's very deaf.他聋极了。/ The old man was stone deaf in his later years. 这位老人晚年完全聋了。/ He is deaf in[of] one ear. 他一只耳朵聋了。

deal n. 1. (连用a)量,数量:a good deal of trouble 大量麻烦 2.[C]交易,协议:Let's make a deal. 我们来订个协议。vt.分发,分配:The money was dealt out fairly and justly. 钱分配得公平合理。vi.交易,经营:I’ve dealt with this store for 20 years. 我与这家商店做买卖10年了。/ The shop deals in clothes. 这家商店经营服装。

【短语】1. a good[great] deal 经常,非常,得多,许多:They see each other a great deal. 他们经常见面。/ The woman was a good deal surprised. 这个女人非常吃惊。/ He knew a great deal more than I did. 他所了解的比我了解的多得多。/ At the end of the year there was a great deal to do. 年底有很多事要做。2. a great deal of 许多,大量:He spent a good deal of money on it. 他对此花了不少钱。3. deal with 处理,对付,对待:How shall we deal with this matter? 这事我们怎么处理? / I don't know how to deal with him. 我不知怎样与他相处。

【考点】a great deal of 后接名词时,必须是不可数名词。若接复数名词,要用a great number ofa great deal of time 许多时间 / a great number of students 许多学生


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