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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-9-23    
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colo(u)r n. 1.[C] 颜色:What color is your car? 你的汽车是什么颜色的?/ Red, black and green are all colors. 红色、黑色和绿色都是颜色。2.[U]色彩,彩色:You need more color in this room. 你这房间的色调需要丰富些。/ The leaves change colour in autumn. 叶子到秋天颜色就变了。/ Is the film in color or black and white? 这胶卷是彩色的还是黑白的?3.[C,U]颜料:oil (water) colours 油画(水彩)颜料

【用法】1. 表示颜色的常用词有:red 红,black 黑,blue 蓝,white 白,green 绿,yellow 黄,grey[gray] 灰,orange 橙,brown 褐。2. 表示颜色的浅或淡,通常是在颜色词前加 light palelight green 浅绿,pale yellow 淡黄 3. 表示颜色深,通常在颜色词前加 dark deepdeep red 深红,dark green 深绿 4. color一词通常不用于red, black等颜色词之后,如不说The car is red color. (去掉color)

colo(u)rful a. 1. 鲜艳的,鲜明的:a bird with colorful wings 翅膀色彩美丽的鸟 / The garden is very colorful in summer. 这个花园在夏天五彩缤纷。2. 丰富多彩的,激动人心的:a colorful period of history 历史上一段多姿多彩的时代 / She wanted to make it more colourful and attractive. 她想让它更富有色彩,更吸引人。

come vi. 1. 来:Come here, please. 请过来。/ She came into the room and shut the door. 她进到屋子里来,然后关上门。2. 来到:The train slowly came into the station. 火车缓缓驶进站。/ If you go along that road, you will come to the river. 你顺着这条路走,就能到河边了。3.(事物)发生,来到,降临:June comes after May. 五月过后是六月。/ No harm will come to you if you’re careful. 只要你小心,你不会遭受损害的。4. 达到,及:The water came (up) to my neck. 水深及我的脖子。/ The road comes to the station. 大路一直通到车站。5. (),出现()On what page does it come? 它在哪一页?/A smile came to his face. 他脸上露出微笑。6.(事物)出现,(主意等)想到:A good plan came to me. 我想起一个好办法。7. 合计为,归结为: What you say comes to this. 你的话归结起来就这样。8. 成为是,变成,证实是:Their dream has finally come true. 他们的梦想终于实现了。

【短语】1. come about (某情况)发生:Do you know how this thing come about? 你知道这事是怎样发生的吗? 2. come across (1)被理解(不及物)What he said did not really come across. 他说的话没有被很好的理解。(2)给予印象(不及物)He came across well to my mother. 他给我母亲的印象很好。(3) (偶然)发现或遇见:Perhaps I shall come across him in Paris. 也许我会在巴黎见到他。3. come along (1)一道去:Come along, I'll show you to your room. 走,我带你去看你的房间。(2)赶快:Come along, it's getting dark. 赶快,天快黑了。4. come down 下来,下降,减低:Come down from the tree. 从树上下来。/ Prices didn’t come down. 价格没有下降。5. come for 来取,来拿,来找:I have come for the dictionary. 我来拿词典。/ He's come for yes or no. 他是来听答复的。6. come from 来自:Wool comes from sheep. 羊毛取自羊身上。/ I come from Japan. 我来自日本。7. come in 进来,进入,到达:Come in, please. 请进。/ Will the train come in on time? 火车会准时到达吗? 8. come on 跟着来,快点,来吧:You go first and I'll come on later. 你先走,我随后就来。/ Come on, Lucy, come on. Don't be so shy. 来吧,露茜,来吧,别不好意思。/ Come on, we'll be late for the theatre. 快点,我们去剧院要迟到了。9. come out 出来,出现,开花:The truth has come out at last. 终于真相大白。/ The flowers are coming out. 花要开了。10. come over 来访,来玩:Come over and see us sometime. 有空来我们这里坐坐。11. come to 来到,合计,谈到:Soon we came to the river. 很快我们就来到了河边。/ That comes to five yuan. 一共五元钱。/ I was just to come to it. 我正要谈这个问题。12. come to oneself 苏醒:Soon he came to himself. 他很快就苏醒了过来。13. come up with (1)赶上:He came up with the others. 他赶上了其他人。(2)提出,想出:She came up with a new idea for doing this. 他想出了做这事的新主意。


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