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acquire, require, inquire
作者:G00+R26    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2009-9-23    
        ★★★ 【字体:


acquire, require, inquire



1. acquire的意思是“经过自己的努力获得,习得”。如:

Where possible, they tried to acquire colonies. 只要可能,他们就设法取得殖民地。

The skill of speaking a foreign language takes time to acquire. 讲一种外国语的能力需要花很长时间才能获得。

Had I been less forthright, I would have acquired more support. 要是我不那么直率,我还可能得到更大的支持。

2. require的意思是“要求”。如:

All plants require water. 所有植物都需要水分。

The idea that everyone should be required to vote by law is something I don’t agree with. 主张由法律规定每个人都要投票的意见是我所不能赞同的。

Candidates are required to present themselves fifteen minutes before the examination begins. 考生应于考试前15分钟到达考场。

At the university, they require an examination for all entering freshmen. 在大学里,他们要求对入学新生进行一次考试(www.yywords.com)

3. inquire的意思是“调查,询问,打听”。如:

He inquired of her whether she was warm enough. 他问她够不够暖。

Might I inquire if you are the owner? 我可否问一句你是不是老板?

She inquired how we are getting on. 她问我们情况怎样。

The doctor inquired what had occurred. 医生问发生了什么事。

I inquired his reason for coming. 我问他来的理由。

She inquired about my brother. 她打听我哥哥的情况。

She inquired why he had not thought of this before. 她问他以前为什么没想到这一点。



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