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few, a few 与 little, a little 的用法异同
作者:TJT    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2010-10-20    
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few, a few little, a little 的用法异同


1. few a few 之后接可数名词复数形式。few 表示数量很少或几乎没有,强调,含有否定意义;a few 表示数量虽然少但毕竟还有,强调,含有肯定意义。比较:

His theory is very difficult, and few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,没有几个人能懂。

His theory is very difficult, but a few people understand it. 他的理论很深奥,但是有些人懂。

2. little a little 之后接不可数名词,其区别跟 few a few 之间的区别相似。如:

Unfortunately, I had little money on me. 很不巧,我身上没带什么钱。

Fortunately, I had a little money on me. 幸好我身上带着一点钱。

3. 一般说来,在 only, still, can, quite, not 等词之后通常用带有不定冠词 a few a little,而在 very, some, the, no, so, too 等词之后通常用不带冠词 few little。如:

He was not a little surprised. 他大为吃惊。

There’s only a little left. 只剩下一点点。

I have so little time to enjoy myself. 我娱乐时间很少。

Very few people understand what he said. 几乎没什么人懂他的话。

4.两者的比较等级变化分别为 few, fewer, fewest (后接可数名词复数)little, less, least (后接不可数名词)。如:

Who has the fewest mistakes? 谁的错误最少?

He is the best teacher even though he has the least experience. 他尽管经验最少,但教得最好。

You ought to smoke fewer cigarettes and drink less beer. 你应该少抽烟,少喝啤酒。

注:在现代英语的非正式文体中,有时人们也将 less, least 用于复数名词前,不过这种用法有不少人反对,初学者不宜仿用。如(www.yywords.com)

There are fewer [less] cars on the road at night. 晚上路上的汽车要少些。

5. few little 前除受不定冠词修饰表示肯定意义外,若受其他限定词的修饰也表肯定意义。如:

She was among the few who have read the book. 她是少数读过这本书的人之一。

Her few possessions were sold after her death. 她那点儿财产死后就被卖掉了。

The little of his work that I have seen seems excellent. 我所看到的他那一小部分工作似乎非常出色。

注:a man [person] of few words (沉默寡言的人)是习词,其中的 few 前不用冠词或其他限定词。


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