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作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2011-2-22    
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5. ask to do sth要求或请求做某事。如:

He asked to see the manager. 他求见经理。

He asked to see whoever was in charge. 他要求见负责人。

He asked to go alone. 他要求一个人去。

6. ask sb to do sth 请或叫某人做某事。如:

Ask John to mail these letters tomorrow. 叫约翰明天把这几封们寄了。

He asked us to wait for him at the gate. 他叫我们在门口等他。



1. be fast [sound] asleep 熟睡。如:

Now the baby is fast [sound] asleep. 这婴儿睡得正香。

You’ll be fast asleep by the time we get home. 等我们到家时你会熟睡了。

注:英语不说 very asleep

2. fall asleep 入睡。如:

The boy fell asleep in his seat. 这男孩在座位上睡着了。

I fell asleep (while) watching TV. 我在看电视时睡着了。



1. be astonished at [by] ()某事而惊讶。如:

They were astonished at [by] the news. 听到这个消息他们感到很惊讶。

I was astonished at [by] his sudden appearance. 我对他的突然出现而感到惊讶。

2. be astonished to do sth

I was astonished to see him there. 我在那儿看到他感到很惊讶。

She was astonished to hear what had happened. 她对所发生的事感到很惊讶。



1. attempt to do sth 试图做某事。如:

The prisoner attemted to escape. 囚犯企图逃跑。

He attempted to speak but was told to be quiet. 他试图想发言,但却没让他讲话。

2. attempt doing sth 试图要做某事。如: / 30 / 19)

He attempted swimming across the river. 他试图游过河去。

I attempted walking until I collapsed and fell down. 我想尽力走下去,后来支持不住而摔倒了。


Don’t attempt to do it by yourself. / Don’t attempt doing it by yourself. 不要企图一个人去做这件事。



1. attend on sb 照料某人,服侍某人。如:

Who will attend on the patient? 谁来护理病人?

He was attended on by a number of servants. 有好多佣人侍候他。

注:有时其中的介词 on 可以省略。如:

He has two nurses attending (on) him. 有两位护士护理他。

2. attend to

(1) 注意听。如:

Attend now to what I tell you. 现在注意听我给你讲。

If you don’t attend to your teacher, you’ll never learn anything. 你要是不注意听老师讲,你就会什么也学不到。


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