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作者:admin    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2011-2-22    
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. bend to [before] sb (sth) 向某人或某事屈服。如:

We won’t bend to [before] anyone. 我们不会向任何人屈服。

He didn’t want to bend to fate. 他不愿向命运低头。

2. bend……to 专心于,致力于。如:

He bent his mind [himself] to his new job. 他专心于他新的工作。

3. be bent on (doing) sth 决心采取某行动,专心于做某事。如:

He is bent on his work. 他专心于工作。

He is bent on winning at all costs. 他决心不惜一切代价去争取胜利。



1. beside oneself with sth……得要命,非常。如:

She was beside herself with joy. 他欣喜若狂。

He was beside himself with toothache. 他牙痛得要命。



1. at (the) best至多,充其量,就最乐观的一面来看。如:

Life is short at best. 生命再长也是短暂的。

At best a few hundred people attended the meeting. 充其量只有几百人参加了会议。

We can’t arrive before Friday at best. 我们无论如何也无法在星期五以前赶到。

2. do [try] ones best 尽力, 竭尽全力。如:

As long as you do your best, we’ll be happy. 只要你尽力,我们就满意了。

It doesn’t matter if you don’t win---just try your best. 赢不了也没关系,只要努力即可。


We did our best to help them. 我们尽力帮了他们。

3. had best 最好,应该。如:

You had best stay here. 你最好呆在这儿。

I think we had best sell it. 我想我们还是把它卖掉的好。

注:had best had better 同义。

4. Its best for sb to do sth 某人最好去做某事。如:

It’s best for us to start early. 我们最好早点出发。

It’s best for you to buy a dictionary. 你最好买台电脑。

5. make the best of 充分利用,尽量往好处做,将就用。如:

We must make the best of the fine weather. 我们必须要充分利用这好天气。

The only thing to do now is to make the best of things. 现在唯一的办法就是随遇而安。



1. be better off 更富裕,生活更好。如:

We are much better off now. 我们现在的生活好多了。

Today’s pensioners are better off than they used to be. 现在靠养老金生活的人比他们原来生活要更好些。

注:有时后接 without, 意为:没有……生活反而更好。如:

We’d be better off without them as neighbours. 要是没有他们这样的邻居,我们就会过得更愉快了。

2. be better off (doing sth) 最好做某事,做某事很明智。如:

He was better off giving her some flowers. 他给她送花,那是明智之举。

He’d be better off going to the police about it. 他最好把这件事报告警方。

3. get the better of 占上风,打赢,制服,克服。如:

I’ll get the better of him some day. 我总有一天要打赢他。

He tried to get the better of his sleepiness. 他试图克服自己的睡意。

4. had better 最好,应该。如:

You’d better go home now. 你最好现在回家去。

We’d better not tell her about it. 我们最好不要把这事告诉他。

注:had better 的否定式通常是在 better 后加 not

5. Its better for sb to do sth 某人最好做某事。如:

It’s better for you to sell the car. 你最好把汽车卖了。

It’s better for you to keep silent. 你最好什么也别说。



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