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作者:JDG    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2012-3-2    
        ★★★ 【字体:



1. 基本义为”“”“而且等,但它有时还可表示对比或转折,相当于汉语的”“”“。如:

She’s a bank manager and I’m just a road-sweeper. 她是银行经理,而我不过是个扫街的。

I’ve read Tony’s book and I don’t understand it. 我读过托尼的书,但我不懂。

He hasn’t had anything published and he calls himself a writer! 他什么都没发表过,却自称作家!

2. 有时用于连接两个相同的词语,主要有以下用法:

(1) 连接两个相同的比较级,表示越来越……”。如:

The weather is getting colder and colder. 天气越来越冷了。

Your English is getting better and better. 你的英语越来越好了。

Computers are becoming more and more complicated. 计算机变得越来越复杂。

(2) 连接两个相同的动词,表示动作的反复或连续。如:

He coughed and coughed. 他咳个不停。

He tried and tried but without success. 他试了又试却未成功。

(3) 连接两个相同的副词,也表示动作的反复或连续。如

He kept moaning on and on. 他呻吟不已。

(4) 连接两个相同的名词,有以下两种主要用法:


They talked for hours and hours. 他们谈了很长很长时间。

The road went on for miles and miles. 这条路很长很长。


Don’t worry there are rules and rules. 别担心——规则跟规则不一样。

I like city life but there are cities and cities. 我喜欢城市生活,但城市之间也有差别。

3. comego以动词原形出现时,其后习惯上不跟不定式表示目的,而是用“and+动词原形表示目的。如

I must go and help my mother. 我必须去帮助我母亲。

I’ll come and check the accounts. 我将来清理账目。

Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes. 去给自己买双新鞋吧。

Come and play a game of bridge with us. 来跟我们一起打桥牌吧。


I’ve come to collect my book. 我来取我的书。

I’ m thinking of going to look for mushrooms. 我想去采蘑菇。

I didn’t come to talk to Bill; I came to talk to you. 我不是来跟比尔说话的,我是来跟你说话的。

I went to buy a newspaper and lost my place in the queue. 我去买了份报纸,回来就找不到我排队中的位置了。

另外,在come, go 之后的 and 有时可以省略(尤其在美国英语中)。如:

I’ll come (and) see you later. 我晚些时候再来看你。

4. 用在祈使句后,表示结果,意为那么(暗示一种条件)。如:

Work hard and you’ll pass the examinations (=If you work hard, you’ll pass the examinations). 努力吧,你考试会及格的。

Arrive late once more and you’re fired (=If you arrive late once more, you’re fired). 再迟到一次,就把你开除。


One more step and I will fire. 你再动一步,我就要开枪了。

5. 用在 good, nice, fine 等之后表示”“。如:

I won’t go until I’m good and ready. 我完全准备好了才去。

Make sure you cut the bread nice and thick. 你一定要把面包片切得厚厚的。

6. 在主从复合句中,不要在主句前误加 and。如:


误:If you use mirrors, and you can see the back of your head.

正:If you use mirrors, you can see the back of your head.

7. 某些用 and 连接的两个词,与汉语顺序相反,不要按汉语词序颠倒过来。如:

rich and poor 贫富   land and water 水陆

right and left 左右   north and south 南北

food and drink 饮食  food and clothing 衣食

8. 比较以下各组句子有无连词 and 的差别:


The weather being fine, we went out for a walk.

The weather was fine, and we went out for a walk.


In the classroom there are five people, the teacher included.

In the classroom there are five people, and the teacher was included.


He has two children, both of whom are naughty.

He has two children, and both of them are naughty.


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