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advance[Ed5vB:ns] v. 1.前进进展:advance in one’s studies 学业进步 / The work didn’t advance at all. 工作一点没有进展。2.提升上涨:advance in price 涨价 / advance in one’s position 职位晋升 3.推进促进:advance the growth of wheat 促进小麦的生长 4.提早提前(日期)The date of the meeting was advanced from 10 to 3 June. 会议日期已由610提前到63n.[C,U] 前进进展进步:stop the enemy’s advance 阻止敌军前进 / China has made great advances in industry. 中国在工业方面进步很大。■1.in advance 事先提前:The rent must be paid in advance. 租金必须预付。2. in advance of 在…前头:He is far in advance of his class. 他在班上遥遥领先。

advantage[Ed5vB:ntidV] n. 1.[C]优点优势好处:It is a great advantage to be able to drive a car. 能开车是很有利的。/ There are several advantages in city life. 都市生活有几个优点。2.[U]利益益处:There is little advantage in buying a dictionary if you can’t read. 如果你不识字买字典也没什么用。■1.have the [an] advantage over (of) 优于比…占有优势:You have the advantage over (of) me in experience. 你经验比我丰富。2. take advantage of 利用欺骗占便宜:They took advantage of the fine weather to play tennis. 他们利用好天气去打了网球。/ He has always been taking advantage of me. 他老是在占我的便宜。

adventure[Ed5ventFE] n.[C,U]冒险冒险活动奇遇:a young man looking for adventure 一个寻求冒险的年轻人 / Sherlock Holmes had many adventures. 福尔摩斯有过很多奇遇。

【说明】表示抽象意义的“冒险”不可数;表示具体意义的“冒险的经历或事件”则可数:a sense of adventure 冒险意识 / an adventure on sea 海上冒险

advertise[5AdvEtaiz] v. 1.登广告做广告:We don’t actually advertise very much. 我们不多做广告。/ He advertised for a secretary. 他登广告招聘一名秘书。2.为…做广告:If you want to sell your product you must advertise it. 你要想卖掉你的产品你就得为此登广告。/ Jobs are advertised in the papers. 在报纸上有招聘广告。

【说明】用作及物或不及物动词含义不同比较:advertise sth 为…做广告登广告宣传…;advertise for sth 登广告征求或寻找某物(其中的 for 表目的)。如:advertise a job 登广告招聘 / advertise for a job 登广告求职

advertisement[Ed5vE:tismEnt] n.[C]广告:He put an advertisement in the paper. 他在报上登广告。/ The wall was covered with advertisements. 墙上贴满了广告。

【说明】1. advertisement 也可略作 advert adads for selling cars 销售汽车的广告2. advertisement 可数名词可数名词advertisingThe magazine contains a lot of advertising [advertisements]. 这本杂志广告很多。

advice[Ed5vais] n.[U]忠告建议:He asked for her advice. 他向她征求意见。/ He followed [took] my advice. 他听了我的意见。/ Let me give you a piece of advice. 我给你进一句忠言吧。/ I want your advice on [about] the matter. 我想听听你对这个问题的意见。/ Good advice is beyond price. 有益的忠告是无价之宝。

【说明】是不可数名词要表示数量需借助单位词 piecea piece of advice, two pieces of advice

advise[Ed5vaiz] v. 1.忠告建议:He did what the doctor advised. 他听从医生的吩咐。/ He advised going to London. 他建议去伦敦。/ He advised me to go to London. 他建议我去伦敦。2.通知告知:He advised me that I won the prize. 他通知我得奖了。/ Could you advise us of the arrival of the goods? 货物到达时请通知我们好吗

【说明】1.后接动词作宾语要用动名词不要用不定式即说advise doing sth;但是若后接名词或代词作宾语后再接动词时动词要用不定式即说 advise sb to do sth2.表示建议后接宾语从句时从句谓语通常要用“should + 动词原形”这样的虚拟语气:I advise he (should) start early. 我劝他早点动身。


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