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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2012-6-3    
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appear[E5piE] vi.1.出现露面:The stars appear at night. 星星在晚上出现。2.看来似乎:She appeared very tired. 她显得很疲劳。/ She appeared to know everything. 她似乎什么都知道。3.出版:Most newspapers appear daily. 大多数的报纸每天出版。

【说明】1.是不及物动词因此不能带宾语也不能用于被动语态。2.比较同义句:It appears that he is ill.He appears to be ill. 他似乎病了。

appearance[E5piErEns] n. 1.[C]出现露面到场:His sudden appearance surprised her. 他的突然出现使她吃惊。2.[C,U]外表外貌:Never judge by [from] appearance(s). 切勿以外貌取人。/ He always has a calm appearance. 他总是很安详的样子。

appendix[E5pendiks] n. 1.[C]附录附言补遗appendix at the end of a book 书后的附录 2.[C]阑尾

说明】其复数有两种形式:表示“附录”时通常用 appendices;表示“阑尾”时通常用 appendixes。但在现代英语两者常可混用从使用的情况来看以用 appendixes 居多:The book has several useful appendices [appendixes]. 这本书有好几个有用的附录。

appetite[5Apitait] n. 1.[C,U]食欲胃口:He lost his appetite. 他食欲不振。/ He has a good appetite. 他的胃口好。2.[C,U]欲望渴望:He has a great appetite for knowledge. 他渴望知识。

applaud[E5plR:d] v.1.鼓掌欢呼:Everyone applauded when the play ended. 演出结束时大家都热烈鼓掌。2.称赞赞成:I applaud your decision. 我赞成你的决定。

用法】表示“为…鼓掌或欢呼”时及物动词可直接跟宾语不要根据汉语意思误用介词forThe audience applauded the perform for 5 minutes. 观众为演出鼓掌喝彩达五分钟。

apple[5Apl] n.[C]苹果:an apple pie 苹果馅饼

applicant[5AplikEnt] n.[C]求者申请者an applicant for a situation=a job applicant 求职者 / an applicant for admission to a school 入学申请者 / an applicant for Party membership 入党申请者

application[7Apli5keiFEn] n.1.[U]申请请求:Application must be made this afternoon. 申请必须在今天下午提出。2.[C]申请表申请书:Please fill in this application form. 请填写这份申请表。3.[C,U]应用运用:I don’t know the application of this word. 我不知道这个词的用法。

apply[E5plai] v.1.申请:I’m going to apply for that job they advertised. 他们登广告招聘的那个职位我打算申请。2.应用使用适用:These methods apply to learning English. 这些方法适用于英语学习。3.集中精神专注:She applied herself to learning English. 她专心学习英语。

appoint[E5pRint] vt.1.委派任命He was appointed ambassador. 他已被任命为大使。2.指定约定(时间、地点等)Lets appoint a time for the meeting. 我们约定一个开会的时间。

appointment[E5pCintmEnt] n.1.[C,U]约会约定:keep (break) an appointment ()/ He had an appointment to see the head of school. 他约定去见校长。2.[C]职务职位:He has an appointment in the Foreign Office at present. 他目前在外交部任职。


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