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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2012-6-3    
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boss[bCs] n.[C]领班老板:I’m going to ask the boss for a day off work. 我要向老板请一天假。/ You’ll have to see the boss about that. 这事你得问老板。

botanical[bE5tAnikl] adj. 植物()botanical fiber 植物纤维 / a botanical garden 植物园

botany[5bCtEni] n.[U]植物学:Botany is the study of plants. 植物学是研究植物的。/ He is not interested in botany. 他对植物学不感兴趣。

both[bEuW] adj. 两者的双方的两个的:There are shops on both sides of the street. 街的两边都有商店。pron. 两者双方:Why not use both? 何不两者都用? conj.(用于bothand…)…和…都:The food was both bad and expensive. 食物既差又贵。

【说明】1.both后接名词时用不用定冠词均可但是在 both of 后接名词时该名词必须有定冠词或其他表特指的限定语(my, her, these)2. both not 连用通常表示部分否定:Not both the boys were ill./Both the boys were not ill. 并不是两个孩子都病了。4. bothand…(既…又…)的否定式是 neithernornot eitherorI like both English and French. 我喜欢英语和法语。/ I like neither English nor French. 我既不喜欢英语也不喜欢法语。/ I don’t like either English or French. 我既不喜欢英语也不喜欢法语。

bother[5brQTE] v.1.打扰烦扰:Don’t bother him. He’s very busy. 不要打扰他他很忙。2.麻烦费心操心:Don’t bother with [about] it. 别为此操心。n.[U]麻烦焦虑:We had a lot of bother finding our way. 我们经过很多麻烦才找到这里。

【说明】表示费心做某事动词bother后可接不定式或动名词也可接about doing sthYou needn’t bother to come up [(about) coming up]. 你不必费心来了。

bottle[5bCtl] n.1.[C]瓶子:He took the empty bottles back to the shop. 他把空瓶送回店里。2.(单数)瓶中之物:He is fond of the bottle. 他喜欢喝酒。

bottom[5bCtEm] n.1.[C]()He is at the bottom of the class. 他在班上排名最后。2.[C]尽头远处:The cinema is at the bottom of the street. 电影院在街的尽头。

bounce[bauns] v.(使)弹起弹回:The ball bounces well. 这个球弹性很好。n. 1.[C]弹起弹回:The ball gave a high bounce. 球高高地弹起来。2.[U]弹力:The ball has plenty of bounce. 球的弹力很好。

bound[baund] adj. 1.被束缚的:He is bound to his family. 他被家庭限制住了离不开。2.有义务的:We are bound to obey the law. 我们有义务遵守法律。3.一定的:It’s bound to rain soon. 不久就会下雨的。4.开往:I’m bound for home. 我正要回家。vi. 1.跃:The young animals were bounding about the field. 这些小动物在地上跳着跑。n.[C]跳跃:He cleared the hedge at one bound. 他一跃跳过了篱笆。1.be bound to do sth 一定做某事有义务做某事:They are bound to be defeated. 他们一定会被打败。2. be bound for (开、飞)往某地:This train is bound for Shanghai. 这列火车是开往上海的。

boundary[5baundri] n. 1.[C]界线边界:the boundary between Canada and the United States 美加国界 2.[C]界限范围:It’s beyond the boundaries of human knowledge. 它超出了人类的知识范围。


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