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bite[bait] v. 叮:I was afraid the dog might bite me. 我怕那狗会咬我。/ Barking dogs seldom bite. 爱叫的狗不咬人(或真人不露相)

bitter[5bitE] adj.1.苦的:The coffee tasted bitter. 这咖啡尝起来有苦味。2.痛苦的不开心的:He felt very bitter about the way he was treated. 别人那样待他他很不开心。3.(寒冷等)刺痛的:It’s really bitter out there today. 今天外边冷极了。

black[blAk] n. 1. [U]黑色:Black stands for mourning. 黑色表示哀悼。2.[C]黑人:There were both blacks and whites at the meeting. 参加会议的有黑人也有白人。adj. 1.黑色的:We have a black and white TV. 我们有一台黑白电视。2.很糟的:It’s a black day for us. 今天我们不走运。

blackboard[5blAkbC:d] n. [C]黑板:look at the blackboard 看黑板

blame[bleim] n. [U]责备责难:He put all the blame on me. 他把一切都归咎于我。/ We were ready to take the blame for what had happened. 我们准备对所发生的事负责。v.责备责怪:The teacher blamed me for the accident. 老师因那意外事件责备我。

【说明】1.通常用主动形式表被动意义:Nobody was to blame for the accident. 这个事故谁也不能怪。2。比较同义句:He blamed the failure on me.=He blamed me for the failure. 他把失败归咎于我。

blank[blANk] n.[C]空格空白()Fill in all the blanks on the form. 请填写表上全部空栏。adj.1.空白的:Please write your name in the blank space at the top of the page. 请把姓名写在这一页上端空白的地方。2.茫然的无表情的:She looked completely blank. 她看上去一片茫然。

blanket[5blANkit] n.[C]毛毯毯子:She wrapped herself in a blanket. 她用毛毯裹住身子。

bleed[] v. 1.出血流血:My wound bled freely. 我的伤口流了很多血。2.为…流血(牺牲)He bled for the country. 他为国流血(牺牲)

bless[] vt.保佑降福:Goodbye! May God bless you. 再见愿上帝保佑你。

blind[blaind] adj. 瞎的:She had been blind from birth. 她天生眼瞎。/ The blind man had a dog to help him. 这个盲人有一条狗帮助他。

【说明】1.表示“眼瞎”时不以眼睛(eye)作主语而以人或动物作主语并在blind之后用介词inofHe is blind in [of] both eyes. 他双目失明。2. the blind指“盲人”复数意义:The blind are supposed to be helped. 盲人应该得到帮助。


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