内部资料:高考英语词汇详解(08) | |||
作者:HMCD 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2012-6-3 |
clean[5kli:n] v. 弄干净,擦干净:He helped his mother to clean the kitchen. 他帮助母亲把厨房打扫干净。adj. 1.清洁的,干净的:You must keep your clothes clean. 你必须保持衣服清洁。2.纯洁的,清白的:He has a clean record. 他历史清白。adv. 彻底地,完全地:I clean forgot about it. 我把它忘得一干二净。/ The bullet went clean through his shoulder. 子弹穿过他的肩膀。 cleaner[5kli:nE] n. 1.[C]清洁工,清洁器,清洁剂:an office cleaner办公室清洁工 2. (用复数)洗衣店 clear[kliE] adj. 1.清澈的,透明的,清晰的:She spoke in a loud clear voice. 她说话声音又洪亮又清楚。2.晴朗的,无云的:In the afternoon the sky became clear.下午天晴了。3.清楚的,明白的:Have I made myself clear? 我讲清楚了没有? 4.显然的,明显的:It’s clear from his actions that he loves her. 从他的行为明显可看出他是爱她的。5.确定的,确信的:Are you clear that he will come? 你确信他今天会来吗? 6.无障碍(危险等)的:The road is clear of snow now. 现在路上已无积雪。v.1.收拾,清除:When you have finished your meal, clear the table. 吃完饭把桌子收拾干净。2.使清洁,变清洁;使清澈,变清澈:The soap will help clear your skin. 肥皂会有助于清洁你的皮肤。3.变晴,转晴:After the storm the sky cleared. 暴风雨过后,天空变晴。adv. 1.清楚地,明显地:Speak loud and clear! 大声清楚地说!2.完全地,彻底地:The prisoner got clear away. 囚犯逃之夭夭。 clearly[5kliEli] adv. 1.清楚地,明确地:It’s too dark to see clearly. 天太黑,看不清楚。2.显然地,无疑地:It was clearly a mistake. 它显然是个错误。/ That clearly cannot be true. 显然那不是真的。 【说明】下面两句词序不同,含义不同:Clearly he didn’t say so. 显然他没有这样说。/ He didn’t say so clearly. 他说得没有那么清楚。 clerk[klB:k] n.1.[C]办事员,职员:a bank clerk 银行职员工2.[C]书记员,秘书3.[C]售货员,店员:a store clerk 店员 clever[5klevE] adj. 1.聪明的:It’s clever of her to refuse him.=She is clever to refuse him. 她拒绝他是明智的。2.熟练的,灵巧的:He is clever with money. 他擅长理财。3.精明的:He was too clever for me. 他太聪明,我斗不过他。 cleverly[5klevEli] adv.聪明地,巧妙地:The book is cleverly written. 这本书写得很妙。/ He did it very cleverly. 他干得很巧妙。 click[5kli:k] n.[C]咔嗒声:I heard a click as someone switched the light on. 我听到有人咔嗒一声把灯拉开了。v. 1.(使)发出咔嗒声:The door clicked shut. 咔嗒一声关上门。/ The new part clicked into place. 新零件咔嗒一声就装好了。2.(计算机用语)点击:Click here. 请点击这儿。 climate[5klaimEt] n. 1.[C,U]气候:Britain has a temperate climate. 英国气候温和。/ Hot climate disagrees with me. 炎热的气候对我不适合。2.[C](具有某种气候的)地方:He wants to move to a warmer climate. 他想搬到一个气候较温暖的地方去住。 【辨析】climate与weather:前者指一个地方长期的较为固定的气候状态,包括阴晴、干湿、风雨等情况;后者指某特定日子的天气情况。 climb[klaim] v. 1.爬,攀登:Monkeys can climb well. 猴子善于攀爬。2.升高,上升:The plane climbed to 20 000 feet. 飞机上升到20 000英尺。3.爬山,登山:He likes to go climbing at weekends. 他喜欢在周末去登山。n.(常用单) 攀爬,爬升:It was a long climb from the village to the top of the mountain. 从村子到山顶要走很长的上坡路。 clinic[5klinik] n. [C](私人)诊所,门诊:He is being treated at a private clinic. 他正在私人诊所接受治疗。 clock[klCk] n. [C] (时)钟:an alarm clock 闹钟 / What does the clock say? 现在是几点?/ The clock struck twelve. 钟敲12点。 clone[klEun] n. 1.[C,U]克隆2.[C]仿制的计算机 close1[klEuz] adj. 1.亲密的,亲近的:be close as fish and water 鱼水情深2.接近的,靠近的:You’re too close to the fire. 你离炉火太近了。3.仔细的,密切的:Keep a close watch on the children. 仔细看好孩子。 adv.靠近地,紧密地:Don’t come too close. 不要靠得太近。 【说明】用作形容词时不表示“关闭的”,要表示此义,要用closed。 引用地址: |
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