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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2012-6-3    
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concern [kEn5sE:n] vt. 1.是…的事对…重要影响…与…有关:Dont trouble about things that dont concern you. 不要操心那些与你无关的事。/ Pay attention to what concerns you. 注意与你有关的事物。/ This concerns us deeply. 这事对我们影响极大。2.使有关系使参与(常用被动语态)Dont concern yourself with [about] other peoples affairs. 别干涉他人的事。3.使担心使操心使不安(常用被动语态)Were rather concerned about fathers health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。n.1.[C,U]关系利害关系:Ive no concern with [in] the company. 我与该公司没有任何关系。2.[U,C]担心挂念关怀:She showed great concern about [for] you. 她很为你担心。3.[C]关心的事重要的事:Its no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。■as [so] far as sb (sth) is concerned 关于至于就…来说:So far as Im concerned, you can do what you like. 就我个人而言你喜欢做什么就做什么。

concert[5kCnsEt] n. 1.[C]音乐会演奏会:Admission to the concert is $10. 音乐会的门票是10美元。2.[U]合作一致:They shouted in concert. 他们齐声高喊。

conclude[kEn5klu:d] v. 1.结束:The story concludes with the hero’s death. 这故事随主人公死亡而告终。/ He concluded by giving us some advice. 他结束时给我们提了些建议。2.推断断定

【说明】比较同义句:We concluded that he was the murderer.=We concluded him to be the murderer. 我们断定他就是凶手。

conclusion[kEn5kluVEn] n. 1.[C]结束结尾:I found the conclusion of her story very exciting. 我觉得她那故事的结尾很激动人心。2.[C]结论:We came to the conclusion that you were right. 我们判定是你对。

concrete[5kRNkri:t] adj.具体的实在的有形的:Beauty is not concrete but a door is. 美丽不是具体的事物但门是。/ Have you any concrete suggestions on how to do it? 对如何做这事你有没有什么具体建议?


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