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collision[kE5liVn] n. [C,U]碰撞冲突抵触come into collision with 相撞 / in collision with 相撞(冲突) / a collision between two trains 一次两列火车相撞事件

colo(u)r[5kQlE] n. 1.[C,U]颜色色彩:Red and black are both colors. 红和黑都是颜色。/ You need more color in this room. 你这房间的色调需要丰富些。2.[C,U]颜料:The artist painted in water-colors. 这画家用水彩作画。3.[U]脸色:She has a high color. 她气色很好。v. 1.给…着色涂色:The boy coloured his pictures with crayons. 小男孩用蜡笔在图画上涂颜色。2.变色脸红:She coloured up to the temples. 她面红耳赤。

colored[5kQlEd] adj. 1.着色的彩色的:colored flags 彩旗 / colored chalk 彩色粉笔 / colored paper彩色纸 2.带…色的有色的:a cream-colored dress 一件乳白色的衣服

【说明】汉语说“彩色的…”根据情况可以用color, colored, colorful 等词语修饰但有区别:color 用作定语通常指它所修饰名词能够产生color的效果如:color TV(彩电)color film(彩色电影)colored 用作定语通常指它所修饰的名词具有color的特征如:colored flags(彩旗)colored chalk(彩色粉笔);而colorful用作定语则指颜色的多样性或色彩的鲜艳性意为“丰富多彩的”、“多彩的”、“艳丽的”如:colorful wings(五颜六色的翅膀)colorful clouds(彩云)

colo(u)rful[5kQlEful] adj. 1.鲜艳的鲜明的:The garden is colorful in summer. 这个花园在夏天五彩缤纷。2.丰富多彩的:She wanted to make it more colorful and attractive. 她想让它更富有色彩更吸引人。

colo(u)rless[5kQlElis] adj.无色的苍白的:Water is a colorless liquid. 水是无色液体。/ He was so colorless that we thought he was ill. 他脸色很苍白我们都以为他病了。

comb[kEum] n. 1.[C]梳子:a fine-tooth comb 细齿梳 2.(单数)(头发)梳:Your hair needs a good comb. 你的头发得好好梳一梳。vt.(头发)()Have you combed your hair? 你梳头了吗

combine[kQm5bain] v.(使)联合(使)结合:Combine the eggs with a little flour and heat the mixture gently. 把鸡蛋和少量面粉调匀用文火加热。/ Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. 氢与氧化合成水。

come[kQm](came, come) vi. 1.来到:Come and have tea with us. 请过来和我们一起用茶。2.发生来到降临:Her death comes as a terrible shock (to us). 她的死使我们极为震惊。/ June comes after May. 五月过后是六月。3.达到:The water came (up) to my neck. 水深及我的脖子。4.变成开始:She came to realize that she was wrong. 她终于认识到是她自己错了。/ Thus I came to like her. 就这样我就慢慢喜欢起她来了。5. (事物)出现(想法等被)想到:A good plan came to me. 我想起一个好办法。6.合计为归结为:What you say comes to this. 你的话归结起来就这样。7.变成证实是:Their dream has finally come true. 他们的梦想终于实现了。1. come about (偶然)发现或遇见(某情况)发生:Perhaps I shall come across him in Paris. 也许我会在巴黎见到他。2. come along 一道去赶快:Come along, it’s getting dark. 赶快天快黑了。3. come for 来取来拿来找:I have come for the dictionary. 我来拿词典。4. come from来自出生于:Wool comes from sheep. 羊毛取自羊身上。5. come on 跟着来快点来吧:You go first and I’ll come on later. 你先走我随后就来。6. come out 出来出现开花:The truth has come out at last. 终于真相大白。/ The flowers are coming out. 花要开了。7. come up with 赶上提出想出:She came up with a new idea for increasing sales. 他想出了增加销售量的新主意。8. come to 来到(某地)来参加(某活动)合计苏醒谈到:That comes to five yuan. 一共五元钱。/ I was just to come to it. 我正要谈这个问题。


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