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compare[kEm5pZE] v. 1.比较对照:Compare your answers with those at the back of the book. 把你的答案同书后的答案对照一下。2.比喻比作:Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚将世界比作舞台。/ The poet compared her teeth to pearls. 诗人把她的牙齿比作珍珠。3.比得上相比:This can’t compare with that. 这个不能和那个相比。/ Nothing can compare with wool for warmth. 没有比羊毛更暖和的东西了。compared to [with] 与…相比:Compared to [with] many womenshe was very fortunate. 和许多女人相比她是很幸运的。

【说明】1.表示“把…比作…”通常用 compare...to2.表示“把…与…比较”通常用 compare...with...但在现代英语中也可用 compare...to...或者用 compare...and...Having compared the new dictionary with [to] the old one, he found the new one more helpful. 将新旧词典比较之后他发现新词典更有用。

compass[5kQmpEs] n.1.[C]指南针:the points of the compass 罗盘上的方位 2.[C](常用复)圆规:She drew her circle with a pair of compasses. 她用圆规画圆。

说明】表示“圆规”可数名词不过通常用复数形式。要表示“一只()圆规”可以用 a compass a pair of compasses

compensate[5kRmpenseit] v.补偿赔偿The company compensates her for extra work. 公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。/ Nothing can compensate for the loss of ones health. 失去健康是无法补偿的。

compete[kEm5pi:t] vi. 比赛竞争:They competed for the gold medal. 他们争夺金牌。/ Teams from many countries compete in the World Cup. 很多国家的球队参加世界杯比赛。

【说明】是不及物动词意思是“竞争”不是“与…某人竞争”要表示后者的意思需借助介词againstwith即用compete with [against] sthSeveral companies are competing with [against] each other for the contrast. 几家公司在为一项合同而互相竞争。

competence[5kRmpitEns] n.[U]能力胜任I have no doubt about his competence. 我不怀疑他的能力。

用法】表示做某事的能力其后可接不定式或 in doing sthones competence to solve [in solving] problems 某人解决问题的能力

competition[7kCmpi5tiFEn] n. 1.[C,U]比赛竞争:He takes part in a swimming competition. 他参加游泳比赛。2.[U]竞争者:There was a lot of competition for the job. 这项工作有很多竞争者。

competitor[kEm5petitE] n.[C]竞赛者比赛者对手:There were 10 competitors in the race. 10个人赛跑。/ The firm has better products than its competitors. 公司的产品比其他对手的好。


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