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cupboard[5kQbEd] n.[C]碗柜橱柜:Put the dishes in the cupboard, please. 把碟子放在碗柜里。

cure[kjuE] v.治愈医好:The wound cures easily. 这伤容易治好。/ The doctor cured the pain in my back. 医生治好了我的腰疼。n.1.[C]治疗治愈:Her cure took six week. 治好她的病花了六星期。2.[U,C]疗法:He had tried all sorts of cures. 他已试过各种疗法。

curious[5kjuEriEs] adj. 1.好奇的感兴趣的:I am curious to know where she found the money. 我奇怪她在哪儿找到钱的。2.奇异的不寻常的:He is suffering from a curious disease. 他患了一种怪病。

currency[5kQrEnsi] n. 1.[C,U]货币现金:The dollar is American currency. 美元是美国的货币。 2.[U]流通流行:Such words have little currency now. 这些词现在已很少使用。

current[5kQrEnt] adj. 1.现行的当前发生的:the current price 市价 / the current month’s account 本月账目 2.流行的通用的:current opinions 普遍的看法 / The belief is still current. 这种信念仍然流行。

curriculum[kE5rikjulEm] n. [C]课程全部课程curriculum schedule 课程表 / Our curriculum comprises Politics, Chinese, English and History. 我们的课程共有四门即政治、语文、英语和历史。


curtain[5kE:tEn] n. 1.[C]窗帘:Please draw the curtain. 请拉开(拉上)窗帘。2.[C]幕状物掩蔽物:Pull the curtains round the patient’s bed. 把病床周围的床帷拉上。

cushion[5kuFEn] n.[C,U]垫子:sofa cushion 沙发垫 / The children sat on cushions on the floor. 孩子们坐在地板上的垫子上。

custom[5kQstEm] n. 1.[C,U]习俗习惯:Eating hot dogs is an American custom. 吃热狗是美国人的习俗。2.[C](个人)习惯:It is his custom reading English aloud in the morning. 他每天早上总要大声朗读英语。3.(复数)关税海关:It took us an hour to get through [pass] the customs. 海关检查花了我们一个小时。

辨析custom habithabit指一个人长时间养成的自然“习惯”;custom 有两个意思一是指一个民族或一个社会在发展过程中长期沿袭下来的礼节、风俗和习惯(此时与habit不同)二是指一个人有规律的行为或习惯(此时等于habit)It’s my custom [habit] to get up early every morning. 每天早起是我的习惯。

customer[5kQstEmE] n.[C](商店等的)顾客主顾:He is a regular customer of ours. 他是我们的老主顾。/ The customer is always right. 顾客至上。

cut[kQt] v.(cut, cut ) 1.割:The knife does not cut well. 这把刀(切起来)不快。/ She cut her finger on a piece of broken glass. 她被一块碎玻璃划伤了手指。2.删节削减缩短:Your story is too long; it needs cutting. 你的故事太长需要删短。n.[C]伤口:a deep cut in the leg 腿上很深的伤口1. cut down 砍倒削减压缩缩减:Expenses ought to be cut down in every way. 应该在一切方面减少开支。2. cut in 插入插话插队超车:Don’t cut in when others are talking. 别人说话时别插话。/ He cut in at the head of the line. 他在队伍的前面插队。3. cut off 切断隔断断绝:We were cut off in the middle of our telephone conversation. 我们在电话里谈话谈了一半就被切断了。4.cut out 剪成戒掉:I must cut out smoking. 我必须戒烟。

cycle[5saikEl] vi.骑自行车:Will you cycle to school today? 今天你骑自行车上学吗n.[C]循环周期:the cycle of the seasons 季节循环

cyclist[5saiklist] n.[C]骑自行车的人


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