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deliver[di5livE] vt. 投递递送传送:Letters are delivered every day. 信件每天递送。/ We can deliver goods to your door. 我们可以送货上门。

【说明】习惯上不接双宾语即不说deliver sb sth可改为deliver sth to sbWould you deliver my message to her? 请你帮我把口信传给她好吗?

demand [di5mB:nd] vt. 要求需要:The workers are demanding more money. 工人要求增加工资。n.1.[C]要求请求:It is impossible to satisfy all your demands. 满足你所有的要求是不可能的。2.[U,C]需要需求:There is a great demand [much demand] for teachers in this town. 这个城镇急需教师。in demand 有需求:Oil is in great demand these days. 现今对石油的需求量很大。

【说明】1.后接that从句时从句谓语多用“should+动词原形”:I demand that John (should) go there at once. 我要求约翰马上去那儿。2.一般不接不定式的复合结构即不用于demand sb to do sth遇此情况可改用从句或在sb之前加介词ofHe demanded of us to tell him everything. / He demanded that we (should) tell him everything. 他要求我们把一切都告诉他。

dentist[5dentist] n. [C]牙科医生:I’ve got toothache so I’m going to the dentist’s. 我牙疼现在看牙去。

department[di5pB:tmEnt] n.1.[C](政府机构的)科:the State Department 国务院 / the Department of Defense 国防部 2.[C](企业等机构的)科:the women’s clothing department 女子服装部 / the X-ray department 放射科 / the business department 营业科 3.[C](学校或学术机构等的)所:the physics department 物理系 / the department of English teaching and research 英语教研室() department store 百货商场百货公司:Harrods is a famous department store in London. 哈罗德公司是伦敦著名的百货公司。

departure[di5pB:tFE] n.1.[U,C]离开启程:departure and arrival 开出和到达 / His departure was quite unexpected. 他这一走很出人意料。2.违背脱离:The new system is a departure from our usual methods. 新体制与我们的通常方法不同。

depend[di5pend] vi. 1.依靠依赖指望:He is a man to be depended on. 他这个人靠得住。2.取决于:Whether the game will be played depends on the weather. 球赛是否进行要看天气而定。

【说明】1.不及物后接宾语时需借助介词(up)on但在It (all) depends (up)on+从句中介词(up)on有时可省略It all depends how you do it. 那要看你怎么办。2.要表示“依赖某人做某事英语不用depend sb to do sth可用depend (up)on sb to do [doing] sthWe all depend on you to come [on you coming, on your coming]. 我们都指望你来。3.口语中说It (all) depends. / That depends其意为“那要看情况”。

deposit[di5pRzit] vt. 1.放下置下Deposit the box here. 把箱子放在这儿。2.存放储蓄寄存She deposited her money in the bank. 她把钱存在银行里。n.1.[C]存款储蓄:a $500 deposit 500美元的存款 2.[C]定金押金He put a deposit on a house. 他给一所房子付了押金。

depth[depW] n. [U,C]深度深奥:What is the depth of the lake? 那湖有多深/ Nobody knew the depth of her love for him. 谁也不知道她对他的爱有多深。


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