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everything[5evriWiN] pron. 1.每件事事事:I’ll tell you everything I know. 我将把我知道的一切都告诉你。2.最重要的事:Money is not everything. 金钱并不万能。/ Health means everything. 健康是最重要的。

【说明】1.使用代词时itEverything is nice, isn’t it? 一切都是美好的不是吗? 2.not连用构成部分否定:Not everything is ready.=Everything is not ready. 并不是每件东西都准备好了。3.受形容词修饰时, 形容词应后置:Everything useful should be kept. 每一件有用的东西都应该保存好。

everywhere[5evriwZE] adv.到处:She follows me everywhere I go. 我到哪儿她就跟到哪儿。

evidence[5evidEns] n. 1.[U]证据证词:Can you show me any evidence for your statement? 你能给我看你供词的证据吗? 2.[C,U]迹象行迹:There was no evidence of a struggle in the room. 房间里找不出搏斗的痕迹。

evident[5evidEnt] adj.明显的明白的It’s evident that you are tired. 显然你累了。

evolution[7i:vE5lu:FEn] n. [U]进化演变Some people do not believe in evolution. 有些人不相信进化论。

exact[ig5zAkt] adj. 1.精确的确切的:Do you know the exact meaning of the word? 你知道这个词的准确含义吗? 2.精密的严谨的:She is a very exact person. 她是个一丝不苟的人。

exactly[ig5zAktli] adv. 1.精确地确切地:Tell me exactly where she lives. 告诉我她的确切地址。2.正好完全地:It’s now exactly ten o’clock. 此刻恰好是10点钟。/ I feel exactly like you. 我的感受和你一样。

exam[ig5zAm] n.考试(=examination)

examination[ig7zAmi5neiFEn] n.1.[C]考试测试:When will we know the examination results? 什么时候告诉我们考试结果? 2.[C,U]检查审查调查:She went to hospital for an examination. 她到医院检查身体去了。

【说明】表示“参加考试”用一般动词 take不用take part inI have to take a history exam next week. 下周我要参加历史考试。

examine[ig5zAmin] vt. 1.检查调查:They examined all baggage at the airport. 他们在机场检查了所有行李。2.诊察:The doctor examined her carefully. 医生给她作了仔细的检查。

example[ig5zB:mpl] n. 1.[C]例子例证:Give me an example of what you mean. 给我举个例子说明你的意思2.榜样模范:His politeness is a good example for others to follow. 他的礼貌行为是大家学习的好榜样。for example 例如:Do you speak any other languages, for example French or German? 你会说别的语言吗例如法语或德语

【说明】1.表示“给某人树立榜样”英语通常要用 set an example to sb有时也用介词for代替to但较少见:You should set an example to [for] them.=You should set them an example. 你应该给他们树立一个榜样。2.表示“学习…的榜样”可用动词followcopy但不用learnstudy


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