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作者:HMCD    文章来源:本站原创    点击数:    更新时间:2012-6-3    
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flat[flAt] adj. 平的平坦的:The countryside in Holland is very flat. 荷兰的旷野十分平坦。n. [C]楼中一套房间公寓:They’re renting a furnished flat on the third floor. 他们租了三楼的一套带家具的房间。

flee[fli:](fled, fled ) v.逃走逃离:They all fled (from) the burning house. 他们全从着火的房子逃出。/ During the civil war thousands of people fled the country. 在内战期间成千上万的人逃离了这个国家。

flexible[5fleksEbl] adj.易弯曲的灵活的We need a foreign policy that is more flexible. 我们需要更为灵活的外交政策。

flesh[fleF] n. [U]肉:Tigers are flesh-eating animals. 虎是肉食动物。/ The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。

flight[flait] n.1.[U,C]飞行:The bird had been shot down in flight. 这只鸟是在飞行中打下来的。2.[C]航班坐飞机旅行:Did you have a good flight? 你这次飞行愉快吗

flight[flait] n. [C]楼梯的一段:My bedroom is two flights up. 我的卧室要上两段楼梯。

float[flEut] v.漂浮浮流:Clouds were floating across the sky. 朵朵云彩在天空中飘来飘去。

flood[flQd] n.1.[C](常用复)洪水:There is a flood in the next valley. 旁边的山谷被水淹了。2.[C]大量:a flood of rain 一阵大雨 / a flood of tears 泪水汪汪 v.1.淹没泛滥:Every spring the river floods (the valley). 每年春季河水泛滥(淹没山谷)2. (像洪水一样)涌进或充满:Letters of thanks flooded in. 感谢信大量涌来。■in flood 洪水泛滥

floor[flC:] n. 1.[C]地面地板:sit on the floor 坐在地上 2.[C](楼房的)层:We live on the third floor. 我们住在第三层。

flour[flauE] n. [U]面粉粉:rice flour 米粉 / Bread is made from flour. 面包是用面粉做的。

flow[flEu] vi.流动:Blood was flowing from his wound. 血从他的伤口往外流。/ Rivers flow into the sea. 江河流入海。

flower[flauE] n.[C]花:The flowers are all out [open]. 花都开了。

flu[flu:] n.[U]流行性感冒:He has (the) flu. 他得了流感。


fluency[5flu:Ensi] n.[U]流畅流利He speaks English with great fluency. 他的英语说得非常流畅。

fluent [5flu:nt] adj. 流利的流畅的:He is fluent in five languages. 他能流利地说五种语言。

fly[flai](flew, flown) v. 1.飞奔:In autumn some birds fly to warmer countries. 秋天有些鸟飞到暖和的地方去。2.(人乘飞机)飞行:We flew from Beijing to Guangzhou. 我们从北京飞到了广州。3.(旗子等)飘动:A flag flies in the wind. 旗在风中飘扬。4.空运(风筝等)He’s flying his car to Europe. 他把车空运到欧洲。n. 1.[C]飞行:Did you have a good fly? 你这次飞行愉快吗2.[C]苍蝇:Flies buzz. 苍蝇嗡嗡叫。


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