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history[5histEri] n. 1.[U]历史历史学:It was an important moment in history. 那是历史上的重要时刻。2.(单数)来历经历:This sword has a strange history. 这剑有一段奇怪的来历。

说明】汉语说“中国史”英语用Chinese historythe history of China表示(注意冠词的有无)

hit[hit](hit, hit) v. 1.打击击中:I was hit by a falling stone. 我被落下的石块击中了。2.碰撞:His head hit against the wall. 他的头撞在墙上。3.抵达到达:We hit the main road 2 miles further on. 再向前走两里我们便到了大路。4.袭击侵袭:The area was constantly hit by drought. 这个地区经常遭受旱灾。

hive[haiv] n. [C]蜂房蜂箱(比喻)喧闹而繁忙的场所:a hive of bees一窝蜜蜂/ The construction site was a hive of activity. 建筑工地上一片繁忙。

hobby[5hCbi] n. [C]业余爱好嗜好:He has a good hobby. 他有良好的业余爱好。/ Her hobby is growing roses. 她的爱好是种植玫瑰。

hold[hEuld](held, held) v. 1.握:The mother held the child tightly in her grasp. 母亲把孩子紧紧抱住。2.举行进行:We held a discussion. 我们开了讨论会。3.容纳:This room can hold 50 people. 这个房间可以容纳50人。4.持续耐久:How long will this good weather hold? 这好天气将继续多久n. (单数)掌握把握:Take [Get, Catch] hold of the rope, and we’ll pull you up. 抓住绳子我们把你拉下来。■1. hold back 阻止…前进抑制:The police held back the crowd. 警察把人群拦住了。2. hold on 继续等一等别挂断(电话)If you hold on for a mount, I’ll get him for you. 请你等一会儿别挂断我去找他。3. hold up 阻滞耽搁:I was held up in the rush hour for nearly an hour. 交通高峰时我因堵车而耽搁了将近一个小时。

hole[hEul] n. [C]坑:The men have dug a hole in the road. 这些人在路上挖了个洞。/ There’s a hole in my sock. 我的袜子上有个洞。

holiday[5hClEdei] n. 1.[C]假日:Last Tuesday was a holiday. 上周星期二放假了。2.[C]假期:We had a brief holiday. 我们过了一个短暂的假期。■on holiday 度假;休假:The typist is away on holiday this week. 打字员本周休假。

【用法】1.既可表示“假日”(如星期日、元旦、 国庆等)也可表示“假期”(如寒假、暑假等);表示“假期”时其前通常用定冠词、物主代词或所有格并且可用单数也可用复数When do the winter holidays begin? / When does the winter holiday begin? 寒假什么时候开始? 2. on holiday是习语其意为“度假”或“休假”其中不用冠词也不用复数。比较:on holidays=假日(如元旦、国庆)。如:Travel is very heavy here on holidays. 假日这里的交通很拥挤。

holy[5hEuli] adj. 圣洁的神圣的上帝的:live a holy life 过圣洁生活 / The Bible is the holy book of Christians. 《圣经》是基督徒的关于上帝的书。

home[hEum] n. 1.[C,U]家:The nurse visits patients in their homes. 护士对病人进行家访。2.[C,U]家乡故乡:She was born in England, but she now looks on Hong Kong as her home. 她生于英国但现在把香港当作她的家乡。adv.到家回家在家:What time did you arrive home last night? 昨天晚上你几点钟回家的1. at home 在家在家会客:He’s in, but he’s not at home. 他在家但他不会客。2. be [feel] at home 觉得舒适精通:He doesn’t feel at home here. 他在这儿感到不习惯。

【用法】英国英语用at home美国英语只用 homeIs anybody (at) home? 有人在家吗?

homeland[5hEumlAnd] n.[C]祖国

hometown[5hEumtaun] n.[C]家乡故乡


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