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K2 n. 乔戈里峰


keep v. 1.保留,保存:I keep old letters. 我保存旧信。/ Will the tomatoes keep until tomorrow? 这西红柿能留到明天不坏吗?2.保持,继续:Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。/ He kept thinking it over.他心里老想着这件事。/ Keep straight on until you get to the church. 一直朝前走就走到教堂了。3.遵守,保守:He keeps to his promise. 他守约。/ Can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密吗?4.供养,饲养:He keeps a dog. 他养了一条狗。/ It costs a lot to keep a family of four. 要养活一个四口之家花费很大。5.使得,(使…)保持:Illness kept her from coming yesterday. 她昨天因病没有来。/ Keep this door closed. 这扇门要经常关着。

【短语】1. keep back 阻止,后退,忍住:The police kept the crowd back. 警察使群众后退。/ She couldn't keep back her tears. 她忍不住哭了。2. keep on 继续:The rain kept on for several days. 雨一连下了好几天。/ Don't keep on asking such questions. 不要老问那样的问题。3. keep out (of) 遮挡,使不进入:The trees keep out the wind. 这些树可以挡风。/ Keep the dog out of my room. 别让狗进入我的房间。4. keep up 保持,继续:Rain kept up all night. 雨下了一整夜。5. keep up with 跟上,不落后:Try to keep up with the others. 设法不要落在别人后面。/ I had to run to keep up with the girls. 我要跑步才能跟上那些女孩子。

【考点】后接动词时要用动名词,不能用不定式,如不能说He kept to work for a whole day.(他不停地工作了一整天),应将其中的to work改为working。另外它也不能后接不定式的复合结构,即不说keep sb to do sth,如不能说He kept me to wait,应将其中的to wait改为waiting

key n. 1.[C]钥匙:This is the car key. 这是车钥匙。2.[C]键:tap the keys of a typewriter 敲击打字机的键 / Pianos have black and white keys.钢琴上有黑的和白的键。3.[C]关键,秘诀,答案:This is the key to the problem. 这是问题的关键。/ The key to good health is to eat and sleep regularly. 保持身体健康的秘诀是饮食和睡眠要有规律。

【考点】表示“…的钥匙时,其后用介词 toof均可:Have you got the key to[of] the door? 你有这门的钥匙吗?但是若用于引申义,表示答案秘诀关键等义时,其后通常要用介词to而不用ofthe key to one's success 某人成功的秘诀

keyboard n.[C]键盘:the keyboard of a piano (a typewriter) 钢琴(打字机)的键盘

kick v. 踢:The boy kicked off his shoes. 这个小男孩踢掉了鞋子。/ He kicked a hole in the door. 他在门上踢了个洞。/ The horse kicked me when I tried to ride it. 我设法骑马时,它踢了我。n.[C]踢:He gave the dog a kick. 他踢了一下这条狗。/ He shut the door with a kick. 他把门一踢, 把门关上了。

【用法】汉语说踢足球,指的是进行一项体育活动,所以此时的足球”(football)前不能用冠词,并且此时的也不能用kick,而用play。比较:He played football with his classmates. 他同他的同学踢足球。/ He kicked the football out of the field. 他把足球踢出了球场。

kid n.[C]小孩,年轻人:school kids学童 / college kids 大学生 / How many kids do you have? 你有几个小孩?/ The kids are playing tennis. 孩子们在打网球。

kill v. ()杀死,()弄死:He was killed in the battle. 他战死沙场。/ He decided to killed himself. 他决定自杀。/ These flowers kill easily. 这些花很容易枯死。

kilo n.[C]千克(=kilogram),千米(=kilometer)A kilo of apple, please. 我要1公斤苹果。/ He weighs 52 kilos. 他重52公斤。

kilogram n.[C]千克:I bought 3 kilograms of potatoes. 我买了两公斤土豆儿。

kilometer n.[C]千米(公里)There are 1000 meters in a kilometer. 1公里等于1000/ They live 200 km from Paris. 他们住在离巴黎200公里的地方。

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