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作者:HMCD  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2009-05-02  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


grow v. 1.生长,发育:How quickly she is growing. 她长得多快啊!/ Plants grow out of the earth. 植物从地上生出来。/ A growing child needs plenty of sleep. 正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足。2.变成,变得:It’s growing dark; we must go home soon. 天就黑了,我们必须赶快回家。/ The air grows colder as we go up. 我们越向上走空气越冷。 3.种植:He grows vegetables. 他种植蔬菜。

【短语】1. grow into 长成,变成:He has grown into a fine young man. 他已长成一个英俊的小伙子。2. grow out of 产生:Their love grew out of friendship. 他们的爱情从友谊中产生。3. grow up 长大(成人)When he grew up, he became a great scientist. 他长大之后,成了一位伟大的科学家。(www.yywords.com)

guard n. 1.[C]卫兵,哨兵:We saw some guards there. 我们在那儿见到了一些卫兵。2.[U]保卫,监视,看守:He is always on his guard. 他一直很警惕。/ They are keeping guard over the house. 他们看守着房子。v. 保卫,看守:The dog guarded the house. 狗守护着房子。

guess vi. 1.猜,猜出,猜对:Can you guess the answer? 你能猜出答案吗?/ She guessed my thoughts. 她猜到了我的想法。2.想,认为:I guess it’s going to rain. 我猜天要下雨了。/ I guess we'll leave now. 我想我们要走了。n.[C]猜测:Please make a guess at how old she is. 请猜一猜她有多大年纪。/ My guess is that he will be late again. 我猜他又会迟到。

guest n.[C]客人,宾客:We’re expecting guests to dinner. 我们等客人吃饭。/ I can’t go out now, we have guests. 我现在不能出门,因为我们有客人。

guide n.[C]向导,导游者:We need a guide. 我们需要一个导游。/ The guide showed us around the city. 导游带我们游览了这座城市。/ Experience is a good guide. 经验就是很好的导师。vt.引导,引路:He guided the child across the street. 他带着小孩过街。/ A blind man is sometimes guided by a dog. 盲人有时靠狗来引路。

gun n. 枪,炮:an air gun 气枪 / a machine gun 机枪 / He aimed the gun carefully. 他用枪仔细瞄准。/ Look out. He's got a gun! 当心,他拿着枪呢!


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