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作者:wanzini  文章来源:net  点击数  更新时间:2009-05-06  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


16. The candidate has given a pledge that he will improve the local environment and invest doubly in education.

A. promise                                              B. declaration

C. proposal                                             D. possibility

17. There has always been an epldemic or bike stealing in schools.              

A. a theft                                                 B. a punishment

C. a plague                                               D. a crime

18. It is in Chongqing that the next international symposium on environmental protection will be held.

A. debate                                                  B. conference

C. seminar                                                D. negotiation

19. Many people suspected the existence of extraterrestrial life.

A. snowman                                             B. outside the earth

C. spiritual                                                D. underworld

20. In case your liabilities outrun your assets, you may go bankrupt.(from www.yywords.com)

A. debt                                                     B. enterprise

C. controversy                                          D. bondage

21. After the fierce quarrel, they began to have a ________ loathing for each other.

A. boring                                                  B. reciprocal

C. friendly                                                 D. standing

22. On the stage many pieces of blue silk were fluctuated to ________the sea waves.

A. simplify                                                B. simulate

C. help                                                      D. like

23. The government lacked money because of biting oil________.

A. prices                                                   B. stations

C. buildings                                               D. revenues

24. Though the policies of racial ________had been abolished, many whites in the South were still dubious about the safety of the communities.

A. segregation                   B. regulations

C. communism                       D. extinction

25. The proposal was accepted with ________ approval. Everybody believed it would help revive the national economy.

A. unanimous                      B. doubtful

C. pleasant                  D. searching

26. Many social services are provided by ________ societies and organizations that do not expect any material payment.

A. wealthy              B. voluntary

C. helpful               D. spiritual

27. In the packed hall, the people sitting close to me ________ me into the corner little by little.

A. dragged                    B. drew

C. frightened                    D. wedged

28. The police, trying to ________exactly who was at the party, are investigating every person concerned.

A. ascertain                    B. arrest

C. imagine                      D. count

29. If everybody has arrived the meeting may________ now.

A. commence                   B. criticize

C. comment                   D. conclude

30. The prodigal son ________his large inheritance in a few years of heavy spending.

A. inherited                     B. received

C. accumulated                  D. dissipated


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