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作者:G00+R26  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2009-09-23  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin




1. adequate的用例

The school does not have adequate sports facilities. 这学校没有足够的运动设施。

his wages are adequate to support three people. 他的工资足够养活三口人。

He had adequate money for the cost of the journey. 他有足够的饯应付旅途开支。

The government should have taken more adequate measures. 政府应该采取更恰当的措施才对。

I hope you will prove adequate to the job. 我希望你能证明你胜任这项工作。

He sought for adequate expression of his gratitude. 他设法找寻表达他感激之情的恰当语言。

For a long time, China has lacked adequate forests, causing many catastrophes. 长期以来,中国都缺乏充足的森林资源,造成了许多灾难。

2. sufficient的用例

The food was both bad and insufficient. 食物既差又不够。

Our problem is not having sufficient raw material. 我们的问题是原料不足。

She has sufficient knowledge for the work. 她有足够的知识干这种工作。

He was tried for theft but got off because there wasn’t sufficient evidence against him.  他因某宗盗窃案而受审,但因证据不足而被无罪释放了(www.yywords.com)


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