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fire 的用法与可数性
作者:tjg  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2011-03-29  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

fire 的用法与可数性


1. 泛指一般意义的“火”,是不可数名词。如:

Paper catches fire easily. 纸很容易着火。

The house was completely destroyed by fire. 房子被大火全毁了。


The house was on fire. 房子着火了(着重状态)

The house took [caught] fire. 房子着火了(着重动作)

He set fire to the house. =He set the house on fire. 他放火烧了房子(着重动作,且强调有意放火)

2. 表示具体意义的“火灾”或“炉火”等,是可数名词。如:

A fire took place in that street. 那条街发生了火灾。

There were several fires in this city last month. 上个月这个城市发生了好几起火灾。

It’s too cold, and I’ll make [build, light] a fire in theroom. 我要屋里生个火。


Look out for fire. 小心火灾。

In case of fire ring the bell. 万一发生火灾,请按铃。

3. 香烟、火柴、打火机等的“火”,在英语中不能用 fire 来表示,而用 light。如:

Can you give me a light, please? 劳驾,能借个火吗?



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