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含有game 的常用口语
作者:TJK  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2011-10-30  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin

含有game 的常用口语


1. None of your games.

表示识破了对方的诡计,意为:别耍花招了; 收起你的鬼把戏吧。如:

None of your games, and I won’t believe you. 别耍花招了,我不会相信你的。

None of your games it won’t work. 收起你的鬼把戏吧,不会有效的。

2. The game is over [up].


You’d better very careful. The game is up. 你最好要特别小心,事情败露了。

Now they all know what we have done, and the game is over. 现在他们都知道我们所做的事了,这下一切都完了。

3. Two can play at that game.


AI’ll have you both licked when I get out, that I will. 等我出去我要叫人把你们俩好好凑一顿,我一定要。

BTwo can play at that game, mind you. 你叫人,我也可以叫人,你不要忘记。

也可说成:It’s [That’s] a game two can play.

4. What a game!

(1) 用于本义,表示比赛,意为:多么精彩的比赛啊! 如:

What a game! It’s going to be a matter of endurance. 多么精彩的比赛啊!这下可要比谁的耐力强了。

(2) 用于引申义,表示麻烦事,意为:多么麻烦的事啊! 如:

What a game! I can’t remember where I have put my key. 真麻烦! 我忘记把钥匙放在哪里了。

5. What’s the game?

(1) 用于提问(常带有怀疑的意味),意为:你在干什么? 如:

Why are you here? What’s the game? 你为什么在这儿?


You have been staying here? What’s the game? 你一直呆在这里? 你在干什么?

What’s the game? Why is everyone looking at me like that? 出什么事啦? 大家为什么都这样看着我?

(2) 用于询问情况,意为:发生什么事了? 如:

Why is she crying? What’s the game? 她为什么哭了? 发生什么事了?

Ahthe glasses are broken. What’s the game? 啊,这些玻璃杯都打破了,出什么事了?

6. What’s your game?

用于质疑对方的可疑行为,意为:你在干什么? 你在搞什么名堂? 你在耍什么把戏? 如:

You are alone here? What’s your game? 你一个人在这儿? 你在干什么?

Why are you just laughing? What’s your game? 你为什么只是笑? 你在搞什么名堂?


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