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carry[5kAri] v. 1.运:The monkey carried her baby on her back. 猴子把她的婴儿背在背上。/ Pipes carry oil across the desert. 管道将油送过沙漠。2.持有带有佩带: In Britain police do not usually carry guns. 在英国警察通常不带枪。/ He always carries some money about him. 他身上总是带些钱。3.登载刊出播出:Today’s papers carry full reports of the President’s visit. 今天报纸上登载了总统访问的详尽报道。4.(某种结果)含有承担:Such a crime carries a serious punishment. 这种罪通常要判重刑。5.支撑承载:This pillar carries the whole roof. 这柱子支撑着整个屋顶。1.carry away 搬去失去自控非常兴奋:The table were carried away. 桌子搬走了。/ He was carried away by success. 他被胜利冲昏了头脑。2. carry on 继续进行:Please carry on with your work. 请继续工作。/ We will carry on our discussion tomorrow. 我们明天将继续讨论。3. carry out 进行完成实现:The operation was carried out successfully. 手术进行得很成功。/ We expect her to carry out her promises. 我们希望她履行诺言。4. carry through成功地完成帮助渡过(难关)He carried through the work in a month. 他在一个月之内就完成了工作。。

cartoon[kB:5tu:n] n. 1.[C]漫画讽刺画:a political cartoon一幅政治漫画2.[C]卡通片动画片:a Walt Disney cartoon 迪尼斯动画片

carve[kB:v] vt. 1.雕刻:Her father carved a little horse for her out of wood. 她父亲用木头给她刻了一匹小马。2.(把熟肉)切成碎片(供食用)He carved me some very nice pieces of chicken. 他为我切了几块上好的鸡肉。

case1[keis] n. 1.[C]情况状况情形:If that is the case, you will have to work much harder. 如果情况真是那样的话你就得加倍努力。2.[C]实情真相;事例实例:That’s not the case. 事实并非如此。3.[C]案件:The case will be heard in court next week. 这一案件下星期审理。4.[C]病例病症:There are three cases of fever in school. 学校有三个发烧病人了。5. (常用单)辩护事实理由:The police have a clear case against the prisoner. 警方对这犯人的控诉有明确的根据。1. in any case 无论如何:In any case, catch the train tomorrow. 无论如何明天要搭上火车。2. in no case 绝不:In no case should you give up. 你绝不能放弃。3. in this (that) case 若是这样(那样)的话:In that case come a little earlier. 若是那样的话早点来。

【说明】1.短语in case用作连词可引导条件状语从句(=如果万一)和目的状语从句(=以防)也可直接用作状语(=以防万一)In case it should rain, don’t expect me. 如果下雨的话我就不来了。/ Wear a raincoat (just) in case. 穿上雨衣以防万一。2. in case类似复合介词in case of也可表示条件(=如果)或目的(=以防)In case of fire, call 119. 万一失火就打119电话。/ Take an umbrella with you in case of rain. 带把雨伞以防下雨。

case2[keis] n.[C]容器套子:a dressing case 梳妆盒

cash[kAF] n.[U]现金现钞:Unless (you are) paying by credit cardplease pay in cash. 除非你用信用卡付款否则你得付现金。vt.把…兑现:Can you cash this postal order for me now? 你现在能帮我兑现这张邮政汇票吗?cash in 兑现:I’d like to cash in this check . 请将这张支票兑成现金。

【说明】比较(两者所用介词不同)in cash=用现金(付款)by check=用支票(付款)。如:I’d like to pay by check rather than in cash. 我想用支票而不用现金付款。

cast[kB:st] vt. 1.撒: / The fishermen cast their nets into the sea. 渔夫把网撒到海中。2.脱落掉:Every year the snake casts (off) its skin. 蛇每年都蜕皮。3.投射(影子、目光等)The evening sun cast long shadows. 夕阳投下长长的影子。n. 1.[C]抛:The fisherman caught a fish at his first cast. 渔夫第一次掷钓线就钓到一条鱼。2.(常用单)(目光)投射瞥见:give a cast with one’s eye 用眼瞥了一下

castle[5kB:sl] n.[C]城堡:On the hill in front of them stood a castle. 他们前面的山丘上耸立着一座城堡。

casual[5kAVuEl] adj. 1.偶然的碰巧的a casual visitor 不速之客 2.临时的不定期的a casual laborer [worker] 临时工 3.随便的非正式的casual clothes 便服 / casual decisions 草率的决定


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