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driver[draivE] n. [C]司机:driver’s license =driving-licence 驾驶执照 / a learner driver 实习司机

drop[drCp] n. [C]一滴:He emptied the glass to the last drop. 他干了一杯一滴不留。v. 1.丢下掉下落下:I dropped my watch and it broke. 我把手表掉在地上摔坏了。2.滴下掉下落下:The glass dropped from her hands. 玻璃杯从她手中掉下来。3.投递放弃:Please drop me a line. 请寄封便信给我。4.变低变少:Prices dropped in the first half of the year. 上半年物价下降了。drop in 探望串门:Drop in to see me the next time you are in London. 你下次来伦敦顺便到我这来坐坐。

【辨析】drop fall1.表示从高处往下掉或降两者有时可互换: The temperature has dropped [fallen]. 气温降低了。2. fall 表示“落下”多指无意识的行为有自然坠落之意且通常是不及物动词drop 既可指无意的行为即表示“落下”(不及物)也可指有意的行为即表示“投下”(及物)如下例就不宜用fallHe dropped the letter into the mail-box. 他把信投入信箱。

drown[draun] v. 溺死淹没:It’s possible to drown in three feet of water. 三英尺水就可以淹死人。/ Cheers drowned his voice. 欢呼声淹没了他的声音。

drug [drQg] n. [C,U]药物;毒品:a pain-killing drug 止痛药 / She takes drugs. 她吸毒。

drum[drQm] n. [C]鼓声:He plays the drum in a band. 他在乐队中打鼓。/ He gave three taps on the drum. 他击鼓3下。

drunk[drQNk] adj.醉的:If you drink too much of that wine, you will get drunk. 那种酒喝多了你会醉的。

dry[drai] v.擦干弄干变干:Dry your hands. 把你的手擦干。adj. 1.干的干燥的:Don’t use this door until the paint is dry. 油漆未干别走这个门。2.干涸的:The river has gone dry. 河干了。

dryer[5daiE] n. [C]干燥机吹风机

duck[dQk] n. 1.[C]鸭子:a wild duck 野鸭 2.[U]鸭肉:Shall we have chicken or duck for dinner? 正餐我们吃鸡还是吃鸭?

duckling[dQklIN] n. [C]小鸭子:an ugly duckling 丑小鸭

due[dju:] adj. 1.到期的应付()到期应付的:The bill is due. 这张票据已到期。/ My salary is due tomorrow. 我明天领薪。2.预定的约定的:When are you due to go home? 你准备什么时候回家? 3.适当的合适的应得的:He has his due reward. 他得到了应得的报酬。due to由于应给与应属于:He arrived late due to the storm. 由于暴风雨他迟到了。/ Our grateful thanks are dueto you. 我们衷心感谢你。

dull [dQl] adj.1.阴暗的:It’s a dull day; it’ll probably rain. 天气阴沉很可能要下雨。2.单调无味:The play we saw last night was very dull. 我们昨晚看的那出戏很乏味。

dumpling[5dQmpliN] n. [C]饺子汤圆:dumpling with meat and vegetable 菜肉馅饺子

during[5djuEriN] prep.在…期间在…时候:The sun gives us light during the day. 太阳在白天给我们光明。/ He fell asleep during the lesson. 他在上课时睡着了。

【说明】介词不是连词所以不用于引导句子如不能说During he was in Shanghai, he went swimming every day可把其中的during改为while或改为During his stay in Shanghai, he went swimming every day

dusk[dQsk] n. [U]黄昏:The street lights go on at dusk. 黄昏时分街灯就亮了。/ The park is close to the public at dusk. 公园每天黄昏时刻停止开放。

dust[dQst] n. [U]灰尘尘土:He became ill after breathing coal dust for many years. 他因多年吸入煤灰而生病了。

dustbin [d] n. [C]垃圾箱

dusty[5dQsti] adj.尘土般的尘土多的:The furniture was very dusty. 家具上的灰尘很多。


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