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difficulty[5difikElti] n. 1.[U]困难费力:Can we get over this difficulty? 我们能克服这个困难吗/ I find some difficulty in learning English. 我觉得学习英语有些困难。2.[C]难题困境:I’m in a bit of a difficulty over paying my rent. 我正为了房租有点伤脑筋。1. have difficulty with [in] 对某事有困难:Do you have any difficulty with [in] English? 你对(学习)英语有困难吗? 2. have difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难:We have much difficulty (in) understanding what he says. 我们要理解他说的话有不少困难。

【说明】表示做某事有困难其后通常接in doing sth不接to do sth

dig[dig] v.掘:He is digging in his garden. 他正在花园里挖地。

digest[dai5dVest] v. 1.消化:This food digests well. 这食品易消化。2.领会:Have you digested the report yet? 这个报告你吃透了吗

digital[5didVitl] adj. 数字的数码的:digital camera 数码照相机

dine[dain] v. 吃饭()吃饭:I request her to dine with me tonight. 今晚我请她吃饭。/ Don’t talk about business while we’re dining. 进餐时不要谈生意。

dignity[5dignEti] n. 1.[U]高尚高贵体面:Ladies and gentlemen should always act with great dignity. 太太先生们的举止应该总是十分端庄体面的。2.[U]威严尊严:Although she is very poor, she has not lost her dignity. 她虽然很穷但没有失去她的尊严。

dilemma[di5lemE] n. [C]进退两难be in a dilemma 进退维谷左右为难 /I am in an awkward dilemma. 我现在进退两难非常尴尬。

dimension[di5menFEn] n.1.[C,U]长度宽度高度:Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。2.(复数)面积容积大小:What are the dimensions of this language laboratory? 这个语言实验室的有多大?

dinner[5dinE] n. 1.[U,C]正餐:They are at dinner. 他们正在用餐。/ 2.[C]宴会:They are to give a dinner in honor of Mr Smith. 他们准备设宴招待史密斯先生。

【说明】通常不可数也不连用冠词但若特指可用定冠词若受形容词修饰表示具有某种特点的饭餐可用不定冠词The dinner was badly cooked. 这顿饭做得不好。/ We had a good dinner. 我们吃了一顿好饭菜。

dinosaur[5dainEsR:] n. [C]恐龙How long ago did the dinosaur live? 恐龙生活在多久以前?

dioxide[dai5Rksaid] n. [U]二氧化物copper dioxide 二氧化铜

dip[dip] v.把…放入又取出:Dip your hand in the water to see how hot it is. 把手伸进水里试试看热不热。

diploma[di5plEumE] n.[C]毕业文凭学位证书:get a diploma 取得文凭 / She has a diploma in engineering. 她有工程学毕业文凭。

direct[di5rekt] adj. 1.直接的直达的:He took the most direct route. 他走了最近的一条路。2.直截了当的:He gave a direct answer to my question. 他直截了当的回答了我的问题。adv.径直地直接地:I must go direct home. 我必须直接回家。vt. 1.指挥指导:Who is directing the work? 谁在指导这项工作2.指挥(演奏)导演(电影)Who directed that movie on television last night? 昨晚电视里的影片是谁导演的3.指点指方向:Will you direct me to the station? 请问车站往哪走

direction[di5rekFEn] n. 1.[C,U]方向方位:He drove away in the direction of Boston. 他开车朝波士顿的方向驶去。2.[U]指导指挥:The singing is under the direction of Mr Blair. 歌唱团由布莱尔先生指挥。3.(复数)说明书指引:Full directions inside. 内有详细说明书。


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