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作者:HMCD  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012-06-03  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


expectation[7ekspek5teiFEn] n. [C,U]预料期望:Everything has gone against their expectations. 一切都和他们预料的不一样。

expedition[7ekspi5diFEn] n. [C]远征()探险()go on an expedition 去远征(探险) / Food supplies are running low in the expedition team. 探险队里的食品日益减少。

expense[ik5spens] n. 1.[U]消费支出:Having a car is big expense. 有汽车开销很大。2.(复数)费用:holiday expenses 度假费用 / How much do you need for school expenses? 你需要多少钱作学费at the expense of 以…为代价:He finished the job at the expense of his health. 他完成了工作但损害了健康。

expensive[ik5spensiv] adj.昂贵的:Houses are very expensive in the area. 这地区房价很高。/ Buying that car was an expensive mistake. 买那辆新汽车是个代价巨大的错误。

experience[ik5spiEriEns] n. 1.[U]经验:Experience is the mother of science. 经验为学问之母。2.[C]经历:Our journey by camel was quite an experience. 骑骆驼旅行真是一种难忘的经历。

experiment[ik5sperimEnt] n. [C,U]实验试验:Scientific truths are found by experiment. 科学的真理是从实验中发现的。vi.做实验:He experiments on mice. 他用老鼠做实验。

expert[ik5spEt] n. [C]专家能手:She is an expert with the needle. 她是缝纫能手。adj. 熟练的:He is expert at [in, on] teaching children. 他是教小孩的能手。

explain[ik5splein] v.解释说明:The teacher usually explains the new words to us. 老师通常给我们解释生词的意思。/ Please explain this rule to me. 请将这条规则给我说明一下。

【说明】不能后接双宾语要表示给某人解释某事可用explain sth to sbI explained this matter to her. 我给她解释了这件事。

explanation[7iksplE5neiFEn] n.[C,U]解释说明:She is giving an explanation of how the machine works. 她在说明这机器的使用原理。/ He left the room without explanation. 他离开了房间而未加解释。

explicit[ik5splisit] adj.清楚的明确的to give explicit directions 给予明确的指示 / He would not be more explicit about the matter. 他对那件事不愿说清楚。

explode[ik5splEud] v.爆炸:He exploded a bomb. 他引爆了炸弹。/ The firework exploded in his hand. 爆竹在他手里响了。

exploit[ik5splCit] vt. 1.开采;开发:They decided to exploit the oil under the sea. 他们决定开发海底石油。2.剥削(不正当)利用:The capitalists exploit workers. 资本家剥削工人。

explorer[ik5splCiE] n. [C]探险者:The first European explorers arrived in American in the 15th century. 15世纪欧洲第一批探险者到达美洲。

export[5ekspR:t] n. 1.[U]外销出口The export of gold is forbidden. 禁止黄金出口。2.[C](常用复)出口商品输出品:Wool is one of the chief exports of Australia. 羊毛是澳大利亚的主要出口货物之一。v.[ik5spR:t]出口输出:The blood exports waste products from the tissues. 血液把身体组织里的废物排出。/ This country exports fruit. 这个国家出口水果。


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