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作者:HMCD  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2012-06-03  文章录入:admin  责任编辑:admin


faith[feiW] n. 1.[U]信仰信念信任:He kept (broke) faith with us. 他对我们守信(不守信)2.[U]宗教信仰:Faith is stronger than reason. 宗教信仰比推理劝说更具威力。

fall1[fC:l] n. [C]()秋季:since last fall 从去年秋天到现在 / by late fall 到深秋时节 / We’ve had a beautiful fall this year. 今年我们的秋季晴朗宜人。

fall2[fC:l](fell, fallen) vt. 1.()降落:Night fell. 夜幕降临。2.跌倒晕倒:She fell down the stairs and broke her arm. 她从楼梯上跌下来把胳膊摔断了。3.陷于变成:He fell in love with her. 他爱上了她。4.减少降低:Prices have fallen again. 又减价了。 fall behind 落后拖欠:We are likely to fall behind (them). 我们很可能会落后(于他们)/ He fell behind with his payment for the car. 他未能按时偿付买汽车的钱。

【说明】表示“变成”时为连系动词其后常接ill, sick, asleep, silent等形容词或in, into介词


false[fC:ls] adj. 1.不正确的假的:She gave a false name to the police. 她向警方供出的是假名字。2.虚伪捏造的:a false friend 无信义的朋友 / a false charge 诬告 3.假的人造的:false hair 假发

familiar[fE5miliE] adj. 1.(为某人所)熟悉的:His name is familiar to many people. 他的名字许多人熟悉。2.(某人)熟悉的通晓的:Are you familiar with the rules of football? 你熟悉足球规则吗? 3.亲密的随便的:He’s familiar with his boss. 他与他的老板关系很友好。

【说明】若主语为“人”表示某人熟悉某事物其后用介词 with;若主语为“物”表示某事物为某人所熟悉其后用介词 to。比较:We are familiar with the saying. 我们熟悉这条格言。/ The saying is familiar to us. 这条格言我们熟悉。

family[5fAmEli] n. 1.[C]家庭:The army and the people are of one family. 军民一家。2.[C]家属成员子女:My family are all well. 我全家都好。3.[C]家族

famous[5feimEs] adj.出名的著名的:He returned to England to find himself famous. 他回到英国发现自己竟出了名。

【说明】表示“因…出名或著称”其后用介词 for表示“作为…出名或著称”其后用介词 asThis place is famous for its scenery. 这个地方以风景出名。/ He is rather famous as a poet. 作为一位诗人他是相当有名的。

fan1[fAn] n. [C](电影、运动等的)热心的爱好者(支持者)football fans 足球迷 / She was a fan of the Beatles. 她是披头士乐迷。

fan2[fAn] n. [C]风扇:It’s so hotplease turn the fan on. 这么热请把电扇打开。vt.(用扇子)扇:He fanned his face with a magazine. 他用一本杂志向脸上扇风。

fancy[5fAnsi] n.1.[U,C]幻想空想:I think he would come but it’s only a fancy of mine. 我想他会来的不过这仅是我的设想罢了。2.[C]想法爱好偏爱:He took a fancy to the house as soon as he saw it. 他一看到这房子就非常喜欢它。vt. 1.认为:I fancy that it’s going to rain today. 我看今天会下雨。2.想像设想:I can’t fancy him doing such a thing. 我不能想像他做出这样的事。3.想要渴望:I don’t fancy going out this evening. 我今晚不想出去了。4.喜欢喜爱:I fancy that girl. 我喜欢那个女孩。5.(用于祈使句表惊奇)Fancy you having noticed! 没想到你注意到了! adj. 1.花式的装饰的:They are too fancy for me. 对我来说它们太花哨了。2.奇特的精致的精美的:fancy vegetables 精选蔬菜

【说明】1.用于祈使句表示惊奇、诧异、不满等其后总是接动名词(动名词前可有逻辑主语)不能接不定式:Fancy him knowing my name! 没想到他还记得我的名字。2.表示“想象”时其后可接不定式的复合结构但其中的不定式通常为to beI can’t fancy him to be (=as) an English teacher. 我无法想象他教英语会是什么样子。


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